Gene Therapy as a Treatment for Hemophilia

Jennifer Giomara Cedillo-Prado , Rosana Daniela Córdova-Serrano


Art Gallery Effects on the Emotional Well-Being of Guayaquil Airway Users: A Systematic Review Analysis

Sonnia Gutierrez-Cassagnne, Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias, Gilma Leonor Vallejo-Piza


The Right to Private Property and Succession in Ecuador: How Much Should the State Inherit?

Marcela Paz Sánchez-Sarmiento , Lesi Vanessa Giler-Escandón , Ana Fabiola Zamora-Vázquez


Redesign of an MODVS to Improve Teaching-Learning Processes at the EuroAmericano University Technological Institute

Antonio Marques-Firmino , Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez , Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias


Biological Therapy in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Intestinal

Celso Andrés Torres-Rosales , Manuel Rafael Aldás-Erazo


Application of Gene Editing Technology as a Treatment Alternative for HIV Patients

Paola Alexandra Cabrera-Ávila , Freddy Damian Castillo-Solano , Carlos Enrique Flores-Montesinos


Project-Based Learning to Promote Science Teaching at the 30 de Abril School

Piedad Verenice Manobanda-Ruiz , Mayra Maribel Tufiño-Guaicha


Quality in Customer Service in a Movie Theater

Nancy Madai Massangel-López , Andrés Castro-Villagrán , Martina Díaz-Rosado , Aida Miriam Ávila-Medina


The Montessori Alphabet in the Literacy Process of Children from 5 to 6 Years

Gabriela Ivette Yagual-Cedeño , Cecilia Alexandra Jara-Escobar


Neuromarketing as a Business Strategy for Marketers.

Paola Estefania Albán-Trujillo , Fátima del Rocío Núñez-Aguiar , Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar , Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos


Fair Trade Networks, the Contribution of Universities.

Alexandra Mónica Solorzano-González , Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


Impact of External Auditing on Financial Institutions

Paola Karolina Malatay-Monar, Santiago Xavier Flores-Brito


Development of Mathematical Logic and Learning in Children From 3 to 5 Years Old

Viviana Katherine Castro-Sornoza , Irene Monserrate Parraga-Alcivar , Verónica del Pilar Zambrano-Burgos


Educational Hopscotch in the Development of Motor Skills in Children From 24 to 36 Months of Age

Rosa Maribel Cañola-Caicedo , Maritza Elizabet Saltos-De la Cruz , Verónica Del Pilar Zambrano-Burgos


Environmental impact of hospital waste in the canton of Jipijapa

Dolores Isabel Pionce-Acosta , Alejandro Enrique Mieles-García


Water quality of the Portoviejo river and its impact on tourism

Josue Alejandro Pinoargote-Vinueza , Yamel de la Mercedes Álvarez-Gutiérrez


School Productivity During the Confinement by COVID-19 at the Technological Institute of Zacatecas

Juan Carlos Pino-Acevedo, María de los Ángeles Segura-Pérez, Juanita Guerrero-Hernández


Strength and Self-Confidence from RESI-M in Students of the TecNM Campus Tierra Blanca-Mexico

Liliana Fuentes-Rosas , María Teresa Torres-López , Julieta Hernández-Ramírez


Relationship Between Water Quality and the Health of the Inhabitants of the Portoviejo River, Manabí

Diomedes Enrique González-Alcívar , Yamel de las Mercedes Álvarez-Gutiérrez


The Free Evaluation of Evidence in Ecuadorian Criminal Law

Roger Paúl Barreto-Véliz , Gustavo Bermúdez-Castañeda


Organizational Culture Strategies in the Quality Management System for Industrial Enterprises.

Darwin Gustavo Jaque-Puca , Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Susana Ibelia Jarrin-Castro , Paola Martina Pucha-Medina


National and International Alternatives Proposed for Wastewater Treatment by the Biological Method. A Review of the Literature

Víctor Manuel Matias-Pillasagua, Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Ariel Bernardo González-Bazán, Paola Martina Pucha-Medina


Linear Regression Statistical Model to Estimate the Population that Receives Humanitarian Action due to Emergencies and Disasters in Ecuador.

Anita Karina Serrano-Castro, Martha Magdalena González-Rivera, Luis Fernando Verdezoto-Del Salto, Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica


The co-responsibility of the family in the pre-reading process in children from 4 to 5 years old

Liliana Irma Gómez-Delgado, Nelly Marina Murillo-Lima , Nancy Yesenia Molina-Ojeda


Teacher-Subject Relationship Model Applying Text Mining

Leslie Paullette Macías-Veliz, Gabriel Agustín Cotera-Ramírez


Analysis of computer tools for the development of an Augmented reality mobile application

Enrique Javier Macias-Arias, Fabricio Javier Santana-Campoverde, Tatiana Elizabeth Cobeña-Macias, Félix Vicente Zambrano-Pico


The transforming role of children's literature in the acquisition of literacy in boys and girls

Martha Magdalena Bravo-Ruiz, María Gabriela Galán-Giler, Rosa Delfina Giler-Giler


Fine psychomotor skills in the development of spatial intelligence in boys and girls aged 4-5 years

Lesvia Maritza Rivas-Pita; Selena Jazmina Moreira-Aizprua, Nancy Yesenia Molina-Ojeda
