Pedagogical strategy supported by educational platforms for the development of learning in higher education

Kristhel Angelica Serrano-Espinoza , Josefina Jomahira Santur-Silva , María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo , Ivonne Priscilla León-Espinoza


Impact evaluation strategy of super letters learning centers in Fourth Grade

Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco , Margot Clemencia Castillo-Moreno , Yadyra de la Caridad Piñera-Concepción , Isaac Roger-Martínez


Family Support for Hearing Impaired University Students

Gema Leonela Pita-Rosado , Sandra Auxiliadora Romero-Chávez


The challenges of peace justice in Ecuador

Patricio Fernando Guillín-Aldás , Oscar Alejandro Vega-Clavijo , Odette Martínez-Pérez


Strategies to promote entrepreneurship in ESPAM MFL graduates

Kerlly Viviana Tinizaray-Bravo , Gladys Narcisa Vera-Plaza , María José Valarezo-Molina , Baly Ilovasky Vera-Montenegro


Cost optimization and pricing in footwear factories in the Ambato canton: strategic and competitive analysis

Mariela Anabel Aldas-Velastegui , Johanna Alexandra Patango-Ayala , Pedro Enrique Díaz-Córdova , Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano


Influence of gamification on the academic performance of tenth grade students, in Basic General Education, In Mathematics

Silvana Carolina Bustamante-Jumbo , Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba , Edith Noriega , Isaac Roger-Martínez


Analysis of production costs and their impact on the selling price: case study of DAMARET factory, Ambato, 2024 period

Verónica Alejandra Ocaña-Mera , Rosa Marjorie Torres-Briones , Pedro Enrique Díaz-Córdova


Business development observatory in the Northwest Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the identification of environmental factors that affect the opening of businesses, period 2014-2023

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes de Oca , Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer , Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía , Abigail Rivera-Castillo , Ana Leonela Cruz-Morera , Geraldina de los Ángeles Otero-Araúz , Leonel Alberto Alvarado-Arroyo


Validation of the instrument to measure dairy producers’ quality life in Mexico: expert´s opinion

Nadia Carolina García-Aguilar , Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes , José Pablo Nuño-De La Parra , Emilio Díaz-Carreto , Nayeli Chiunti-González


Legal and social analysis of uncontested divorce: implications and challenges in the contemporary context

Juan Carlos Flores-Calle , Roberto Steven Fiallos-Paredes , Holger Geovanni Garcia-Segarra


Desafíos y oportunidades del principio de inmediación en el marco de audiencias telemáticas en el derecho procesal

Karla Katherine Zambrano-Duran , Santiago Paul Tapia-Loja , Samuel Morales-Castro , Holger Geovannny García-Segarra


Violation of the right to a defense in the extraordinary appeal for review

Henry Rodrigo Rodríguez-Chuquimarca , Alex Bayardo Gamboa-Ugalde , Helena Estefania Guevara-Tapia


Gamification and its influence on verbal reasoning in basic education students

María Elizabeth Durazno-Chimbo , Mayner Julieta Ayovì Paredes, Jenniffer Sobeida Moreira Choez


Brand-Love and its influence on the online purchase intention of cosmetic brands among centennial women

Mayuri Marisol Heras-Heras , Joyce Alexandra Macías-Sánchez , Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas


The impact of brand image on the purchase intention of coffee shops in the city of Machala

Gabriela Anahi Capa-Torres , Jean Carlos Saldarriaga-Quiñonez , William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez


Interoperability: Efficient Integration of Power BI, CentOS, and Android with RemoDB for Business Intelligence

Luis Rene Quisaguano-Collaguazo , Gladys Esquivel, Andres Josue Chicaiza-Aguayo , Santiago Javier Llambo-Alvarez


Emotional intelligence in academic performance in a 9-year-old girl

Gellibert Stalin Suarez-Reyes , María Azucena Neira-Yagual , Juan Alejandro Muñoz-García , Fátima Ximena Rialpe-Valiente , Byron Armando Solano-Clemente


Listen and Draw: A Strategy to Improve English Listening Comprehension in the Primary-Secondary Transition

Claudio Federico Malo-Toledo, Israel Guillermo Bravo-Bravo, José Miguel Campuzano-Díaz, Heidi Marlen Marriott-Toledo


Socioeconomic analysis of the productive sectors of Latacunga: January - July 2024

Henry Alejandro López Machado, Patricio , Hermes Yonel Peñaloza Molina, Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera


Digital Training for the reduction of Technological Illiteracy in Educators

Flavio Raúl Vega-Padilla , María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo , Peggy Danny Ricaurte Ulloa, Peggy Danny Ricaurte-Ulloa


Ludic strategies for the development of reading comprehension in fourth grade students of the EGB

Johanna Katherine Cuásquer-Chulde , Luis Modesto Cuásquer-Chapi , Roger Martínez-Isaac


Guía didáctica para el mejoramiento de las habilidades caligráficas en los estudiantes de tercer año de la E.G.B

María Silvana Castro-Carrera , Mayra Alexandra Montenegro-Andrade , Roger Martínez-Isaac


Physical Education as a pedagogical resource for the inclusion of students with behavioral disorders

Vanessa Elizabeth Villavicencio-García , William Amarildo Zavala-Cadena , Enrique Alexander Brito-Taboada , Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Dynamic Capacities in the University Context: Case ESPAM MFL

Anthoni Javier Giler-Basurto , Manuel Alejandro Delgado-Zambrano , Benigno Javier Alcívar-Martínez


Psychological well-being in women during the 21st century: an analysis from the work context of an ecuadorian company

Marilyn Aracely Tapia-Herrera , Leslie María Rodríguez-Tubón , Luis Fernando Taruchain-Pozo


Analysis of Basic Functions in Initial Education to Strengthen the Reading-Writing Process

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro, Diana Elizabeth Cevallos-Benavides, Darwin Italo Chicaiza-Aucapiña, Marcos Chacón-Castro


Customer perception and satisfaction in the marketing of chemical products in the Province of El Oro

Elio Marvin Chica-Calle , Liana Carola Sanchez-Cabrera , Edith Marlene Rogel-Gutierrez


ICT to stimulate verbal communication in early childhood education

Jessica Marlene Espinoza-Barrera , Milagro de la Caridad Rodríguez-Andino


Artificial intelligence (AI) in reference services of Portoviejo's public libraries

Yulexy Yudith Sanchez-Cedeño , Evelyn Lilibeth Mendoza-Quijije , Liggia Lisbeth Moreira-Mieles
