Inclusive education "Carrying the Backpack Together model"

Erolita Jexenia Casquete-Tamayo, Mariuxi Caicedo-Arroyo, José Alberto Sánchez-López


The game: a look from different authors 

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro , Mario Gerardo González-Romero, Carolina Paola Obando-Tasiguano, Goldye Maday Hinojosa-Cazco


New institutional responsibilities to guarantee third and fourth level graduates with real knowledge. An analysis from the LOES

María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo, Ingrid Liz Muñoz-Feraud, Segundo Vicente Echeverría-Desiderio


Investigative Skills In Higher Education At The Latin American Level

María Juana Puicón-Lluén, Juan Manuel Gonzales-Bernal , María Evelin Castro-Tiznado , Jeniffer Vanessa Cajo-Llaguento


Phenomenological look at the resilience of university teachers under the threat of a pandemic

Ana Manuela Palma-Avellán, Viviana Alejandra Palma-Sánchez, Carlos Orlando Vélez-Chávez, Angela Agripina Cevallos-Ponce


Construction of the instrument for measuring and diagnosing academic procrastination (IMDPA) in university students 2021

María Laura Herrera-Falcón , Leda Javier-Alva, Luis Alberto Yarleque-Chocas, Jimy Humpiri-Nuñez


Strategic planning for the continuous improvement of educational quality: Public Accounting Degree University of Guayaquil

Sophía Bethzabel Galárraga-Tobar, Guillermo Roberto Abad-Alvarado, Edison Angel Erazo-Flores, Elizabeth del Carmen Calderón-Quijije


Stochastic study of advertising investmnt and profitability of agricultural companies in Cotopaxi

Mario Fernando Navarrete-Fonseca , Gloria Evelina Pazmiño-Cano, Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano


Tax Incentives are a key factor in the sustainable development of Zone Three of Ecuador

Mariela Cristina Chango-Galarza, Alisva Cárdenas-Pérez , Nelly Fabiola Chicaiza-Lema , Walter Humberto Navas-Olmedo


Impulse purchases of new products: An empirical analysis of the commercial sector of the province of Tungurahua

Alejandro Andrés Loor-Noboa, Kevin Gustavo Paez-Salguero, Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


Selection of human talent through social networks: a mixed methods study

Alexander David Garcés-Lescano, Michael Alejandro Silva-Mejía, Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


Social responsibility: a case study from the human capital of the commercial sector

Juan Pablo Gaete-Barona, Alex Anibal Llerena-Paredes, Luis Fabricio Lascano-Pérez


Business ethics and corporate social responsibility: an analysis of administrative management of the commercial sector

Fernando Mauricio Santana-Rojas, Verónica del Pilar Ortíz-Sánchez, Edwin César Santamaría-Díaz


Relationship between human capital, quality of service and customer satisfaction

Quality of service

Coral Yatmille Figueroa-Balbuena, María Juana Hernández-Flores, José Héctor Varela-Romero


Teamwork-based skills as management competencies in hotels in Palenque, Chiapas.

Pedro Ramon-Hernandez, Ángel Alejandro Poot-Hoy, Gisely Amairany Romero-Pérez, Guadalupe Yesenia Gallegos-Hernandez


Psychological factors of the families of the Camino Real Campeche in the period of covid-19

María Teresita de Jesús Chi Chan, José Rubén Bacab-Sánchez, María Eugenia López-Ponce, Doriano Sacramento-Cruz, Annie Vigelmi Castellanos-Herrera


Perception of customers of banking entities: an analysis of mobile banking services in Tungurahua

Douglas Israel Núñez-Cruz , Cinthya Patricia Tite-Quispe , Mario Fernando Sigüenza-Espín


Modification of the engine head of the Chevrolet Astra vehicle for rally competitions

Bayron Wilson Valle-Ocaña, Angel Geovanny Flores-Zavala, Carlos Marcelo Valverde-Erazo
