Cooperative learning as a teaching strategy

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María Luz Carrasco-Huamán


Cooperative Learning (CA) is based on the assurance that learners have that it is possible to learn as long as their classmates also learn under a form of association of learning experiences; in this way they strive to achieve shared goals. There is a reciprocal commitment to achieve the success of all. Working cooperatively means that each member of the team assumes a specific role and that they cooperate as a whole to obtain better learning results in the search for the common good. The objective of this article is to review the publications of the last five years on the contributions of CA as a learning strategy. In this scenario, the preparation of the review article begins with the investigation in four important databases: Scopus, Scimago, Dialnet and Scielo; where 75 published studies were selected, which after a meticulous review and careful analysis it was found that 31 coincide with the objective of the review. The methodology used was the bibliographic review, the instrument used was speedy and critical reading, and the results were recorded in an analysis matrix. Finally, with the review, CA was legitimized as a beneficial teaching-learning strategy in the various areas of knowledge.



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How to Cite
Carrasco-Huamán, M. . (2022). Cooperative learning as a teaching strategy. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 157-166.
Author Biography

María Luz Carrasco-Huamán, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

Degree in Initial Education with mention in 

Kindergarten and Special Initial 

Education, fourteen years of classroom 

teaching experience in regular basic 


Master's in Educational Psychology, 

teacher at Universidad San Pedro for 

three years and six months. Currently, 

professor of practice and research at the 

IESP. Hermano Victorino Elorz 



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