Teamwork-based skills as management competencies in hotels in Palenque, Chiapas.

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Pedro Ramon-Hernandez
Ángel Alejandro Poot-Hoy
Gisely Amairany Romero-Pérez
Guadalupe Yesenia Gallegos-Hernandez


The objective of this research is to identify the different teamwork-based skills as managerial competencies, which are developed by some managers and their collaborators in hotels in hotel companies. The study was carried out based on the needs that exist among various companies in the tourism sector, aiming to know what their organizational management process are like specifically in terms of teamwork skills deployed by hotel managers. It seeks to identify those capabilities that directly affect the factors of competitiveness, especially in one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy such as tourism.

The research approach was quantitative, with a descriptive and cross-sectional scope, involving 114 collaborators close to the managers of the hotels in the city of Palenque, Chiapas. Principally, we sought to identify how leadership, integration skills and creativity are perceived by the managers' collaborators in the aforementioned companies; considering the free contributions of each collaborator, it was possible to define how these variables have been experienced in the daily work and professional environment in the hotel companies of the place studied.

The preliminary results indicate that there is a broad identification between the expectations of the collaborators and the empathy and managerial flexibility of their managers, which has allowed to reach agreements and results that benefit their companies to improve organizational management within the participating companies.


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How to Cite
Ramon-Hernandez, P., Poot-Hoy, Ángel, Romero-Pérez, G., & Gallegos-Hernandez, G. (2022). Teamwork-based skills as management competencies in hotels in Palenque, Chiapas. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 324-334.
Author Biographies

Pedro Ramon-Hernandez, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas - México

I am a research professor at Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Palenque, university campus, I have participated in some congresses and conferences related to administration and tourism, my postgraduate dissertation is “Las capacidades empresariales, como factores de ventaja competitiva en empresas hoteleras de Palenque, Chiapas”, (Bussiness capabilities as factor of competitive disadvantage in hotel companies in Palenque, Chiapas). I have published scientific articles in indexed magazines and I am applicant to Mexico SNI.

Ángel Alejandro Poot-Hoy, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chetumal - México

My professional development in research began with academic projects, where I have carried out studies related to the feasibility of companies, international business, social projects, and corporate social responsibility, according to the last, I have attended in finance courses, training in Microsoft tools and languages

Gisely Amairany Romero-Pérez, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chetumal - México

My professional development in research began with academic projects; in which I participated in the upper middle level with a contest of "Didactic Mathematics Projects for the achievement of competences of the CBTA 11 Students", during the degree in the same way I carried out feasibility study projects of companies, social projects and research related to the specialty of social responsibility and recently with the participation of the Dolphin program with the project "Teamwork Skills and Strategic Action: Management Competencies in Tourism Companies of Palenque, Chiapas".

Guadalupe Yesenia Gallegos-Hernandez, Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Chetumal - México

My professional training in research began with academic projects. From 5th grade of primary school, where together with my classmates and teacher, we carried out field research. During my degree, I have developed feasibility projects for companies, social and social responsibility and I recently made a summer stay to do scientific research through the Verano Delfín program.


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