Bibliometric analysis on Lean Circular Production Systems

Christopher Espinosa-Ruiz, John Enrique Montenegro-Carvajal, Jordan Antonio Lindao-Estupiñan, Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica


PIC-Empowering Creative Ideas: An educational proposal for the development of creativity

Claudia Chamorro-Troncos , Marta Sainz-Gómez , Rosario Bermejo-García , María José Ruiz-Melero


The Storytelling as a key factor in the cultural tourism product design: Case of Pile commune, Montecristi

Flor María Mera-Cárdenas , Blanca Enith Mendoza-Mendoza , José Fernando Huerta-Vera , Columba Consuelo Bravo-Macías


Organisational Management and Institutional Strengthening

Jonathan Rene Torres-Baque , Maritza Sandra Pibaque-Pionce


Compliance with the semi-open regime and the right to work

Mario Andrés Gómez-Vargas , Vanessa Estefanía Medina-Medina


Financial instruments for micro and small business growth

Amanda Paulina Tubón-Pacha, Hernán Paul Ortiz-Coloma


Wastewater treatment system for shrimp laboratories. Factors and parameters in the estimation of areas, times and costs

Juan Carlos Muyulema-Allaica, Richard Edinson Muñoz-Bravo, Ariel Bernardo González-Bazán, Paola Martina Pucha-Medina


Body expression in the inclusion of overweight children in the physical education classes

Manuel De Jesus Gonzalez-Ortega, Porfirio Mesias Zhiñin-Quezada , Orlando Patricio Romero-Ibarra, Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Writing a Scientific Article

David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo, Adriana Marisol Quevedo-Espinoza, Eduardo Neil Brito-Pardo, Ana Mercedes Sagñay-Carrillo


The protection action and job insecurity in casual service contracts Resumen

Jhonson Fernando Ochoa-Cabrera, Marcelo Alejandro Guerra-Coronel


Relationship between the implementation of quality certifications and exports in South American countries

Allison Nicol Yuquilema-Quisnancela, Miguel Orlando Espinosa-Galarza, Ernesto Felipe Novillo-Maldonado


The Ansoff matrix and the internationalisation of cocoa associations in El Oro

Kerlly Nicole Guevara-Mazamba , Diana Mishelle Pizarro-Aponte, Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira


A study on the challenges in the enforcement of the free zones law in Ecuador

Julissa Fernanda Espinoza-Mena, Deverly Crisbelt Oyola-Villacis, Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero


The application of Universal Design for Learning (UDA) in Ecuadorian education

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco, Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa , Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina , Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla


Analysis of strategic opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship Ecuador a prospective approach

Silvia Noroña-Gallo , Viviana Elizabeth Cajas-Cajas , Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña , Mateo Javier Cabrera-Cedeño


Business development observatory in the Upper Region of Guanacaste, Costa Rica for the determination of factors that promote or limit the opening of commercial businesses, period 2013-2022

Héctor Andrés Canossa-Montes De Oca, Roberto Rodríguez-Alcócer , Jorge Antonio Avendaño-Mejía , Génesis Murillo-Chaverri , Sussy Virginia Castillo-Villarreal , Lidieth Ortiz-Valle , Maria Fernanda Briceño-Morales


Promotion of physical, sports and recreational activities for the optimization of free time and leisure aimed at children and adolescents

Orlando Patricio Romero-Ibarra , Maria Virginia Ortega-León, Humnberto Perpetuo Torres-Ortega, Alex Arturo Perlaza-Estupiñan


Use of Accounting Software in the Teaching Process of the Accounting Package Module

Gabriela Yadira Mite-Quinto, Jinna Alicia Vargas-Cercado, Olga Matilde Franco-Solis, Wellington Isaac Maliza-Cruz


Digital tools to strengthen the teaching process in technical high school teachers

Joyce Elizabeth Morán-Rivera , Luzmila Anguaya-Cachimuel, Miguel Eduardo Baque-Arteaga, Wellington Isaac Maliza-Cruz


Corporal expression in the educational inclusion of students with special educational needs

Orlando Patricio Romero-Ibarra, Monica Rosario Lopez-Obregon , Franklin Rudiger Romero-Ibarra , Frank Ezequiel Romero-López


Psychological aspects of organic purchasing and the influence of fatalism: the therapists' word

Lorenzo Bonisoli, Kevin Cristhian Rubira-Criollo, Estefania Alejandra Jaramillo-Enríquez


Analysis of assessment indicators in higher level writing

Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa , Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina , Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco , Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla


Analysis of shared possession of minor children in ecuadorian legislation

Viviana Veronica Verduga-Rios , Lissette Amelia Alvarado-Ajila


Availability of inventories against demand in products from TuTi Stores

Angelica Fidencia Zambrano-Ponce, David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo


Photovoltaic System to Improve the Economy of Families in Mayan Areas. A Studio in Dzitbalché, Campeche.

Eduardo Miguel Caamal-Chan, María Eugenia López-Ponce, Francisco Gerardo Barroso-Tanoira


Financial evaluation for decision making in the company Baltrans Export Cía. Ltda

Fátima Estefanía Cevallos-Zambrano, Yuri Mishelle Vera-Bazurto, Roberto Orlando Bello-Parra


Digital and didactic resources for the improvement of the teaching-learning process

Miguel Angel Cobeña-Napa , Daniel Gustavo Parrales-Mendoza, Ana Cecilia Vélez-Falcones , María Guadalupe Mendoza-Zambrano


Analysis of the evolution of rose exports from Ecuador - Peru and their participation in international markets in the years 2018 – 2022

Nayeli Ibeth Chichande-Torres , Kelly Abigail Morán-Apolo , Hermán Orlando Enderica-Armijos , Kelvin Howard Pizarro-Romero


SMES in Ecuador and their share of GDP

Gustavo Guillermo Ortiz-Choez , Javier Antonio Constantine-Castro, Oswaldo Martillo-Mieles , Raúl Ruperto Silva-Idrovo


Import taxes and their impact on Ecuador's tax collection

José Luis Andrade-Vilela, Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Cortez, Victor Julio Pizarro-Vargas , Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera


The role of the teacher in cultivating the student's sense of lifat the socio-emotional level

Lilian Florinda Gómez-Chilán , Mirian Yolanda Yagual-Viteri , Soraya Marisol Chuquitarco-Encalada, María Narcisa Gresely-Quintóng , Bertha Herminia Palma-Goya


The teacher as a mediator of school habits: A perspective from the discipline

Inés María Villena-Méndez , María Fernanda Parra-Aguirre , Liliana Graciela Cantos-Carrera , Eva del Rocío Triviño-Quintana , Natalia Elisabet Robles-Espinoza


Transformative Pedagogy based on Learning by Doing

Gladys Beatriz Pérez-Anagumbla, Cristobal Omar Iturralde-Sosa


Barrier-Free Classroom: An Innovative Perspective

Gladys Mercedes Calero-Toaquiza , Delia Marina Valle-Veliz , Tania Mireya Rojas-Cagua , Priscila Patricia Muñoz-Almeida


What is a dignified death?

Jorge Iván Rengel-Maldonado
