Human mobility governance with a sustainable development approach

Pedro José Vera-Cárdenas , Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho


Shrimp export and its impact on the ecuadorian economy in the period 2019-2023

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera , María Verónica Félix-Zambrano, Ronald Miguel Zambrano-Sánchez , María de los Ángeles Chávez-Naranjo


Study of the container crisis between 2018 - 2023 and its impact on globalinternational trade

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera , Erwin Gustavo Muñoz-Montiel , Jorge Gabriel Vargas-Villegas , Mayra Xiomar Espinel-Camejo


Didactic strategy of traditional games for the inclusion of hearing impaired students in the Physical Education class

Edgar Efrain Ramirez-Cuvi , Nexar Neptali Zambrano-Chica, Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


The branding as a strategy in strategic planning

María Leonor Parrales-Poveda , Gregory Stalin Arteaga-Velepucha , Gabriela Guadalupe Solórzano-Álava , José Vicente Fienco-Parrales


Inclusive teaching program of the shot put to students with intellectual disabilities in the Physical Education class

Alan Jesus Lino-Tigrero, Manuel Fabricio Martillo-Navarrete , Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Professional Skills for Business Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Washington José Calvopiña-Oña, Santiago Fernando Ramirez-Jimenez


Boosting oil production profits: A multi-method approach to streamline ESP assembly

Enrique Mauricio Barreno-Avila , Grether Lucía Real-Pérez , José Ricardo Nuñez-Alvarez


Vulnerability and Development in Ecuador

Juan Alfredo Chiriboga-Pinos , Numa Inain Gaibor-Velasco , David Alexander Monteros-Pazmiño


Comparative analysis of Burnout Syndrome in informal workers: Machala and Santa Rosa case studies

Andrés Antonio Mayanque-Merino , Joffre Danny Salvatierra-Vargas , Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Playful strategies for the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in physical education in rural contexts

Jose Manuel Anilema-Rea , Blanca Eugenia Ramirez-Cuvi , Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Impact of international trade through maritime transport and its impact on the environment

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera , Karol Vanessa Cortez-Olmedo, Ángel Vicente Avendaño-Briones, Lissette Karem Figueroa-Rodríguez


Quizizz gamification tool in the academic performance of high school students academic performance of high school students

Alexandra Janeth Ramírez-Caraguay, Alfredo Enrique Bastidas-Alava, Rosa Elena Ordoñez-Vivero


Analysis of the evolution of blueberry exports from Ecuador-Peru and its participation in international markets in the years 2020-2023

Neybris Asly Ramon-Alarcon, Ronald Wilfrido Romero-Cabrera, Luis Ramiro Aguilar-Ordóñez, Hermán Orlando Enderica-Armijos


Digital competences in higher education teachers in Ecuador

Erick Steeven Paladines-Ramírez, Jessica Liliana Alcívar-Solórzano, Edison Santiago Gabela-Acurio


Use of technology and Burnout Syndrome: a study of accounting area personnel on the consequences of excessive use of technological tools in confinement during the Covid 19 pandemic

Edwin Guillermo Valencia-Gonzalez , Natasha Mykaela Cáceres-Fierro , Melany Abigail Maldonado-Zambrano , Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


Challenges and proposals for the constitutional management of the migration Crisis in Ecuador: An international comparative analysis

David Alejandro Mejía-Macías , Félix Andrés Sornoza-Véliz , Paulette Leonella Galarza-Cedeño , Gabriela Annabell Alcívar-Ponce


Analysis of the rights of vulnerable persons with catastrophic vulnerable people with catastrophic illness as occasional service contract in the in the Ecuadorian public secto

Katty Patricia Sánchez-Manobanda , Santiago Javier Páliz-Ibarra , Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Adriana Lisseth García-Flores


Socioeconomic analysis of the operational processes of the recyclers of Canton La Maná and their impact on profit

María Fernanda Sahona-Rodríguez, Diego David Zambrano-Zambrano, Carmen Isabel Ulloa-Méndez, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado-García


Information and Communication Technologies and Knowledge Management of the Teaching-Learning Process in Technical Education

Grace Matilde Arreaga-Alcívar , Luis Bolívar Salán-Huachapá , Segress García-Hevia , Odette Martínez-Pérez


Management of the tax audit as a preventive tool for infractions and administrative sanctions in private companies

Jorge Aníbal Quintanilla-Gavilanes , Clemente Aladino Moreira-Basurto , Jennifer del Pilar Quintanilla-Castellanos , Aníbal José Quintanilla-Bonilla


The Effectiveness of Educational Materials in Personalizing Learning

Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco , Wilson Heriberto Ortiz-Carrasco , Erika Vanessa Cabrera-Urbina , Karina Alexandra Orna-Quintanilla


The comic as an innovative methodological strategy in education

Gladys Erminia Paredes-Bonilla , Lourdes Elizabeth Navas-Franco , Edwin Antonio Acuña-Checa , Alfredo Eduardo Figueroa-Oquendo


Stimulation of communication skills and their impact on the formation of an appropriate Work Environment

Yeimer Prieto-López , Beatriz Annabell Loor-Avila , Belén Madeleine Macías-Aguayo , Nelly Alejandra Sarabia-Espín , Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano


Legal barriers to the internationalization of Ecuadorian companies: a focus on the free trade agreement with China

Yeimer Prieto-López , Darlys Daniela Sares-Llivisaca, Ainhoa Ruilova-Saeteros , Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano
