Dysmenorrhea license for women of childbearing age who provide labor services in Ecuador

Bernarda Anabel Arízaga-Montalván , Tamara Catalina Tenesaca-Lupercio , José Santiago Sánchez-Zambrano


Revaluation of sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum officinarum) as an important residue for agro-industry

Roxana Mariuxi García-Culqui, Carlos Rodrigo Jácome-Pilco , Lady Anabel Guevara-Narváez, Tania Yadira Moreta-Guangasi


Contaminating bacteria in the ethyl alcohol production process

Carlos Rodrigo Jácome-Pilco, Cesar Orlando Azogue-Poaquiza, Byron Alexanders Ramos-Escobar, Carlos Sebastián Escobar-Barragán, Isidro Favian Bayas-Morejón


Potential use of pitahaya (Hylocerus undatus) in industrialization: Characterization, anti-oxidant activity, health benefits.

Carlos Rodrigo Jácome-Pilco, Frank Alexis Ledesma-García, Thalia Lisbeth Vega-Cevallos, Sandra Patricia Iza-Iza


Efficiency and effectiveness of the citizen attention unit of the education district 13D06 Junín- Bolívar period 2019-2020

Fátima Elizabeth Palacios-Briones , Victoria Alexandra Bravo-De la Cruz , Martha Narcisa Loor-Saltos


Encourage reading through children's stories

Rosa Delfina Giler-Giler, Gema Daniela Macay-Cano, Jennifer Gema Zamora-Anchundia


Didactic wheelchair as multisensory stimulation for children with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios, Melva Jacqueline Alcívar-Rodríguez, María Belén Vélez-Rivas


Knowledge about gamification as a technique to reinforce learning in higher education

Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez , Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias , Mayra Lorena Zambrano-Chamba


Research: Soft skills as a complement to the professional training of students

Mayra Lorena Zambrano-Chamba, Gilma Leonor Vallejo-Piza, Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez


IT Governance in Private Educational Institutions: Case UEPRIM

Carlos Manuel Quezada-Centeno, Marcia Maribel Aguirre-Ochoa, Jorge Tulio Carrión-González , Cristian Stalin Sancho-López


Basic functions: reading and writing in early childhood

Mario Paúl Simbaña-Haro, Lola Esther Piyahuaje-Siquihua, Mario Gerardo González-Romero, Sara Abigail Mena-Riera


Bodily expression in initial education

Estrella Leonor Chuni-Sanmatin , Jenny Maribel Larco-Pullas


Didactic dice game for the development of fine motor skills

Leicy Gaudelia Solórzano-Palacios, Jessenia María Mera-Caballero , Julissa Roxana Franco-López


Cryptocurrencies and the digital economy, a vision in Ecuador

Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos, Daniela Alejandra Ribadeneira-Pazmiño


Traceability guide in the logistics processes of small banana exporting companies

Lilia Nikita Pacheco-Bermeo , Joselyn Elizabeth Ruiz-Solano, Rocío de Lourdes Guzmán-Arias


Empirical analysis of the impact of GDP components on the popular solidarity financial sector

Lady Andrea León-Serrano , Byron Joel Aguilar-Bazarán , Ángel Fernando Ordóñez-Pacheco


Dynamic capacities and financial profitability: A look at agroindustrial companies.

Tatiana Elizabeth Agila-Salazar, Mayra Elsa Cárdenas-Pesantez , Carlos Bolívar Sarmiento-Chugcho


Banana export strategic plan in the company Banorpal S.A from Machala to Germany

Ronald Paul Castillo-Gonzaga , Ana Tais Valiente-Morán , Luis Ramiro Aguilar-Ordoñez


Study of the exportable offer for the internationalization of the trade association of hydro-biological product Mar Azul de Huaquillas

Dayana Jamilex Calderón-Jaramillo , Angie Gisselle Campoverde-Cobeñas , Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero


Regulations and strategies for the internationalization of products of small rural enterprises: brand case CHOCO DAMAS

Rocío de Lourdes Guzmán-Arias, Nicole Katherine Suqui-Calva, Kevin Fabian Pontón-Loaiza 


Tax exemption strategies for imports of users in category B of DAN COURIER in the Machala city

Alexandra Nathaly Paucar-Jiménez , Diana Patricia Culcay-Zhingri , Marco Fabricio Sánchez-Maldonado


Circular Economy. A competitive approach for banana exporting companies from El Oro in 2022.

Evelling Jazmín Rivas-Barreiro, María Rosa Pérez-Rentería, Marcela Etelvina Capa-Tejedor


Customer service in the provision of banking services: case Cooperative of Savings and Credit Jardin Azuayo de Machala

Verónica Jacqueline Fierro-Sánchez, Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black , Norman Vinicio Mora-Sanchez


B2C e-commerce as an internationalization strategy for SMEs focused on the textile sector

Valery Susana Matute-Celi, Xiomara Milene Viñansaca-Eras, Marcela Etelvina Capa-Tejedor


Importance of dynamic capabilities for the use of existing resources in agro-industrial enterprises in the province of "El Oro"

Evelyn Monserrate Saltos-Bermello, Jordy Alexander Gordillo-Espinoza , Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


The Ecuador – European Union trade agreement case study ecuadorian chocolate

Nathaly Cecibel Negrón-Suárez , Dany Humberto Barreno-Pereira


Planning a Quality Management System for banana exports: Case of the 3 de Julio Farmers' Association

Lizbeth Cristina Yunga-Armijos , Asley Dayanara Toro-Vivanco , Marcela Etelvina Capa-Tejedor


Employer retirement: A study of the profitable impact on small and medium-sized businesses

Aracely Nataly Jerez-Quinquiguano, Johanna Elizabeth Pachucho-Chisaguano, Mónica Alexandra Falconí-Hidalgo


Influence of merchandising techniques in the purchase decision making process of the meat consumer in Machala.

Carlos Brayan Medina-Flores, Carolina Estefanía Reyes-Aragonés , Raquel Miroslava Tinoco-Egas


Perception of the brand value of craft beer in the millennial market of the city of Machala

Cristopher Paul Mosquera-Niebla, Steven Hernan Guerrero-Landi , William Stalin Aguilar-Gálvez


The use of e-banking by savings and credit cooperatives in the city of Machala

Kevin Gustavo Vaca-Carreño, Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Iddar Iván Jaya-Pineda, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Management of the quality and productivity of the collaborators of the industrial sector of Tungurahua: an empirical approach

Katherine Elizabeth Coca-Gaibor, Javier Edisson Vasconez-Rodriguez, Mario Fernando Sigüenza-Espín


Value chain: an analysis of tourism development in the cantón Latacunga

Mery Talya García-Zambonino, Estefany Gabriela Toala-Columba, Julio César Tapia-León


Economic and financial impact of Covid-19 on household finances in Ecuador

Karen Stefania Molina-Venegas, Deysi Paola Santo-Chiluisa, Julio César Tapia-León


Entrepreneurial behavior and innovation: a descriptive analysis in Ecuador

Priscila Priscila Feijó-Cuenca, Nuria Ceular-Villamandos, Virginia Navajas-Romero , Tito Feijó-Cuenca , Irlanda Quiroz-Peñarrieta


Scope of criminal legislation regarding irrational logging of forests in Ecuador

Milena Yaqueline Jaramillo-Salcedo, Marcelo Giovanni Galarraga-Carvajal


Scope of criminal legislation regarding irrational logging of forests in Ecuador

Marcelo Giovanni Galarraga-Carvajal , Milena Yaqueline Jaramillo-Salcedo  


Importance of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure in Ecuador

Juan Pablo Aguirre-Ramírez, Diana Gabriela D’Ambrocio-Camacho


Principle of Equality in Domestic Work: Comparative Law

Darío Medardo Pico-Guevara , Ricardo Hernán Salazar-Orozco


Diseño de un bloque alivianado utilizando poliestireno expandido, PET, vermiculita como agregados

Víctor Julio Villalta-Góngora , Erika Mabel González-Tobar , Carlos Luis Valero-Fajardo
