Evaluation of Quality of Care and User Satisfaction in Outpatient Consultation (General Teaching Hospital Ambato)

Carolina del Pilar Jaramillo-Jimbo, Geovanna Vaneza Fabara-Núñez, Rosa Gabriela Falcón-Maldonado


Digital marketing: a look of linear business growth towards an exponential

María Paula Navas-Nieto, Víctor Hugo Córdova-Aldás, Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


Salary compensation and job satisfaction of officials in rural parish Autonomous Decentralized Governments Ambato canton

Cristhian Oswaldo Castillo-Solano, Karen Lisseth Goya Anchundia, Karla Priscila Romero-Andrade, Yolanda Monserrath Tipan-Torres


Social responsibility as an advertising strategy of tourist companies

Christian Andrés Rueda-Cepeda, Karla Estefanía Pashma-Jácome, Víctor Hugo Córdova-Aldás


Social media strategies and their influence on the purchase decision of the millennial generation

Evelyn Estefania Barros-Miranda, Carmen Silvana Landa-Criollo, Raúl Francisco Villalba-Miranda


Assessment of service quality through the ACSI model: vehicle registration unit case in Ambato-Ecuador

Sandy Macarena Gancino-Vergara, Eugenia Mercedes Chasillacta-Amores, Daysi Lucía Viteri-Arias


Economic reactivation in companies of the industrial sector through the forgotten effects matrix

Kléber Antonio Luna-Altamirano, William Henry Sarmiento-Espinoza, Daniel Jacobo Andrade-Pesantez, Héctor Alejandro Espinoza Pillaga


Online reputation: an ethical digital marketing strategy for the hotel sector Tungurahua-Ecuador

Esteban Israel Oñate-Solís, Mario Sebastián Benalcázar-Villegas, Juan Enrique Ramos-Guevara


Factors that affect the manipulation of financial information in commercial mi-cro-enterprises. Machala City Case

Pamela Lisseth Malla-Lalvay, Karen Nicole Sotomayor-Blacio, Carlos Omar Soto-González


Forensic audit and its impact on the shrimp companies of the City of Machala.

Andrés Josué Sanmartín-Dávila, Ivana del Rocio Belduma-Ortega, Milca Naara Orellana-Ulloa


Methodological proposal to calculate expected credit losses, using the simple method of IFRS 9

Geanella Joselyn Rojas-Cuenca, Yoicy Carolina Arévalo-Niola, Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo


Analysis and the influence of marketing in its attention to the customer in the micro-enterprise Ricolombia

Janneth Gabriela Jiménez-Rivera, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo


Internal control as an efficient tool for the financial and accounting management of shrimp companies

Alexandra Marina Sotomayor-Sánchez, Kelvin Adrián Criollo-Farías, Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo


Determining factors of business failure in the city of Machala, province of El Oro (Ecuador) during the period 2019

Joseph Guillermo Lozada-Pinta, Cristhian Andree Valarezo-Romero , Virgilio Eduardo Salcedo-Muñoz, Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira


Financial approach: Evolution of operations in cooperatives in Ecuador and financing with the IMF.

Kenia Lizbeth Arias-Capa, Marjorie Alexandra Fajardo-Choglo, Néstor Daniel Gutierrez-Jaramillo


Implementation of a Management model for artisan textile companies: Case Almacenes Coronado

Franklin Guillermo Zambrano-Coronado, Junior Omar Berzosa-Saritama, Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Norman Mora


Indicators of organizational manahement iso: 9001:2015, banana marketers of the province “El Oro”

Karen Estefanía Gamboa-Argudo, Damaris Pamela Renteria-Pesantes , Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Quality cost management in banana companies of the Province El Oro: case of el Porvenir

Gloria Narcisa Erreyes-Veleucha, Luis Antonio Zumba-Carrión , Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Content marketing: key piece for generating engagement. Ecuadorian soccer case.

Mayra Lucia Jaramillo-Gonzalez, César Fernando Macas-Mendoza, Ana Elizabeth Moscoso-Parra


Disruption, resilience and evolution of Ecuadorian shrimp sector in 2010 - 2019

Javier Mauricio Gómez-Bolaños, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Cecibel del Rocío Espinoza-Carrión


Analysis of the purchasing behavior of the millennial segment in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

Mariana Brigitte Quezada-Ruiz, Sandra Lucía Gualán-Ortega, Vladimir Alexander Ávila-Rivas


The blockchain technology and its possibilities of use in the province of El Oro.

Nathaly Ximena Morocho-Sagbay, Roger Daniel Mosquera-Loayza, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, John Alexander Campuzano Vásquez


Impact of business process management technology on service to customers of private organizations

Layanne Tatiana Montalvo-Barrera, Ginger Nicole Farias-Romero, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo


The Human Talent management as determinant factor of competitive success of medians business in Machala

Karen Darling Iturralde-Pulla, Jonathan Moises Paltan-Ajila, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


Study of the feedback strategy through the measurement of labor performance in SMEs

Betty Yaritza Arana-Salazar, Bryan Alejandro Ordoñez-Guayllasaca, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


Errors in the processes by reviewing the Lean Six Sigma philosopyh and its impacto n the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs in the province of the Oro, Ecuador

Ana Carolina Atto-Ramírez, Rosa Mercedes Largo-Quiroga, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Cecibel Del Rocío Espinoza-Carrión


Importance and personal training: collaborative learning and job performance in mining companies

Nelson Gonzalo Honores-Jaramillo, Cristhian Jonathan Vargas-Aguilar, Cecibel Del Rocío Espinoza-Carrión, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza


Influence of the climate and job satisfaction on the performance of human talent in trading companies

Diana Thalia Ordoñez-Freire, Jim Erick Salazar-Samaniego, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


Knowledge Management, a business innovation strategy

Viviana Del Cisne Maza-Campoverde, Karen Kerly Mora-Roldan, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Cecibel Del Rocío Espinoza-Carrión


Growth Opportunities of Online Higher Education Post Covid-19

Rubén Alexander Rodríguez-Romero, Gerardo Benjamin León-Morocho, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza


Diagnosis of the application of the PHVA cycle according to ISO 9001: 2015 in the INCARPALM Company

Juan Alberto Salazar-Garces, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo


Coaching as a fundamental tool within commercial companies

Edison Alexander Granja-Martínez, Kevin Manuel Angel-Reyes, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


Cognitive skills and assertive communication in executive secretarial professionals

Lissette Cristina Farias-Niola, Cecibel Del Rocío Espinoza-Carrión, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez


Business management in the face of the covid-19 crisis and the future scenario in the Py-MEs of the canton Arenillas, province of El Oro, Ecuador

Fernando Rodrigo Betancourt-Santos, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza


Incidence of working capital on the profitability of shrimp and commercial companies in the Province of El Oro

Karla Mishel Quevedo-Chamba, Yessica Elizabeth Martinez-Ramirez, Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza


Management theories and their transition towards social responsibility

Mauricio Eduardo Flores-Ibadango, Edison Fernando Simbaña-Benalcázar
