Public education policies: A bilingual intercultural analysis of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador

Anita Dalila Espín-Miniguano, Aracelly del Rocio Portero-Castillo, Efraín Eduardo Zambrano Rosales


School center management: An exploratory study of the school enrollment criterion

Tania Karina Bayas-Rosero, Carlos Darío Bayas-Rosero, Luis Eduardo Fonseca-Mora


Teaching-learning limitations of the English language: An analysis of listening comprehension in students of the law subject

Santiago Gabriel Ramón-Amores, Nelson Wilfrido Guachinga-Chicaiza, Edison Marcelo Pacheco-Pruna


Analysis of the legal and juridical regulations of the comprehensive management model of higher education institutions for the strengthening of pedagogical quality

Roberto Fabián Sánchez-Chávez, Jenny Lilián Basantes-Avalos, María Auxiliadora Falconí-Tello, Yadira Elizabeth Vallejo-Lucio


Auditory strategies in the English language teaching-learning process in middle-childhood children

Gabriela Katherin Illicachi-Rojas, Paola Nathaly Mantilla-Carrera, Rocio Del Carmen Scotland-Ortiz, Ivonne Gabriela Guayanlema-Chávez


Entrepreneurship management: A study in the Agricultural Sector of Cantón La Maná

Segundo Adolfo Bassante-Jiménez, Efraín Eduardo Zambrano-Rosales


Risk aversion of family businesses: precautionary implications

Héctor Arnulfo Chacha-Armas, Nedcy Janneth Pincay-Vinces, Viviana de Lourdes Vizcaino-Villavicencio


Monetary aggregates: A study of the indicators of the evolution of consumer prices (monetary growth and inflation target)

María Fernanda Araujo-Sánchez, Alex Stalyn Barreno-Faz, Fabricio Alexander Pilatasig-Condor


Contribution of popular finance to the sustainability of productive micro-enterprises in zone 8: Case Ecuador

Kenisse Leonor García-Mora, Karen Andrea Herrera-Velastegui, Julio César Tapia-León


Green supply chain management in the construction sector: a systematic review from a longitudinal perspective

Gabriela Judith Freire-Villegas, Lidia Maura Freire-Villegas, Edison Santiago Morales-Perez

Digital marketing footprints in customer purchasing decisions

Eduardo Gabriel López-Chaquinga, Fernanda Paulina Bonilla-Carpio, Gabriela Lucia Montero-Camino

Quality measurement: An analysis of evaluative instruments of the maturity of service companies

David Oswaldo Córdova-Albán, Martha Liliana Albán-Bautista, Milton Marcelo Cárdenas-Cárdenas


Analysis of tax policies on economic income in Ecuador. Period 2015-2019

Evelyn Gabriela Sánchez-Herrera, Absalón Wilberto Guerrero-Rivera


Transparency, public accountability and community finance in Ecuador

Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado-García, Mayra Elizabeth García-Bravo
