Academic Trajectory of the Higher Education Student

A Proposal Based on the Design of a Functional Diagram

Luis Gabriel Lescano-Paredes, Juan Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Leonardo Danilo Arroba-Muñoz, Orlando Vladimir Miranda-Reyes


ICT in Higher Education and its Implementation at the Universidad de Guayaquil

Diana Elizabeth Vilavicencio-Chancay, Lorenzo Rufo Fuentes-Campuzano, Raúl Ruperto Silva-Idrovo , Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera


Acceptance of ubiquitous learning environments

Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos, Juan Manuel Galarza-Schoenfeld, Christian Fernando Barragán-Quizhpe


Behavior and Quality of Corn (Zea Mays) Grains Stored in Barns Constructed with Different Materials

Teresa Viviana Moreira-Vera , Tanya Beatriz Bravo-Mero , Olga Lilian Mendoza-Talledo , Telly Yarita Macías-Zambrano


Analyzing Organic Consumption in Ecuador with the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Norm Activation Theory

Annie Elizabeth Freire-Echeverría , Ariagna Priscila Almache-Espinoza , Lorenzo Bonisoli


Business Simulation as a Tool for Innovation in University Learning

Wilson Andrés Freire-Araujo , Washington Marcelo Gallardo-Medina


Income tax and its incidence on ecuadorian tax collection

Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera, Victor Julio Pizarro-Vargas, Javier Antonio Constantino-Castro, Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Cortez


E-Commerce in Entrepreneurship

Patricia de Lourdes León-Monar , Edgar Patricio Rivadeneira-Ramos , Fátima del Rocío Núñez-Aguiar , Paola Estefania Albán-Trujillo


Family finances in the pandemic cycle

A study of productive enterprises in Cotopaxi province

Emily Nicole Hidalgo-Matehu, Dayana Monserrath Punina-Salazar, Julio César Tapia-León


Public Investment in Ecuador and its Impact on the General State Budget Public Investment in Ecuador and its Impact on the General State Budget

Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar, Christian Xavier López-Pinargote, David Fernando Castro-Salcedo, Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas


Public and private investment in Ecuador and its effect on state finances from 2016 to 2022

María Isabel Aguayo-Delgado , Francisco Javier Rodas-Hidalgo ; Rodrigo Víctor López-Coloma; Gustavo Guillermo Ortiz-Choez


Liquidity in Credit Unions in Times of Covid-19. Case: Guayaquil-Ecuador

Maryury Gisell Merchán-Vásquez, Marlon Vicente Manya-Orellana


Optimization of Electrical Systems: A Modeling Based on the Reduction of Electrical Consumption

Mauricio Eduardo Mullo-Pallo, Roberto Asdrúbal Segura-Flores, Jenny Alexandra Nuñez-Villacis
