COVID – 19 and its impact on the automotive sector in Ecuador

Wendy Lizbeth Franco-Ruiz, Wilson Fernando Jiménez-Castro


Use of social networks as a competitive strategy of bars and restaurants in Machala canton

Hernán Rolando Soto-Cueva, Flavia Lisbeth Párraga-Toral, Mauricio Samuel Noblecilla-Grunauer


Tourism promotion proposal for the development of community tourism on the Island of Costa Rica, Ecuador

Juan Alejandro Dávila-Maldonado, Karina Lisseth Morocho-Loja, Mauricio Samuel Noblecilla-Grunauer


Digital economy, a tool to improve competitiveness and productivity in PYMES case: Machala-Ecuador

Jordan Alfredo Chuya-Chuya, Kerly Dennisse Condo-Herrera, Patricia Alexandra Uriguen-Aguirre, Lady Andrea León-Serrano


COVID 19 factor of change in consumer behavior

Vanessa Karina Rodríguez-Peña, Jenny Margoth Gamboa-Salinas


Development of the e-commerce: mobility restrictions and changes in consumer behavior

Daniel Urbano Bonilla-Tigse, Luis David Cisneros-Beltrán, Carlos Javier Beltrán-Ávalos


The incidence of ICT in the work performance of employees in smes in Machala

Andrea Elizabeth Chamba Escobar, Yulissa Ramírez-Zumba , Iddar Jaya-Pineda, Wilton Romero-Black


Effects on commercial logistics of SMEs post-Covid-19 pandemic

Ronny Espinoza-Castillo, Patricio Nieto-Contreras , Norman Mora-Sánchez , Andres Pacheco-Molina


Competitiveness: SMEs and the social network.

Ruth Arévalo Torres, Norman Mora-Sanchez, Andrés Pacheco-Molina


Inventory management techniques in the footwear factories of the Sentinel without relay

Arianna Paulette Castro Sigüenza, Darly Ramírez-Guerrero, Andrés Pacheco-Molina, José Ollague-Valarezo


Customer attention: Services Offered by the PEs of the GAD of the Canton Machala-2020

Nicole Del Cisne González-Loor, Anny Beatriz Rey-Martínez, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sánchez, Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


La The tax culture and its impact on tax collection. Case Machala, provincia El Oro, period 2015 - 2019

María José Macas-Iñaguazo, Andrea del Cisne Vega-Granda, Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira


Software and control methods: key tools for managing microenterprise inventories

Lisbeth Lourdes Arias Unuzungo, Diego Ramón-Ulloa, Andrés Pacheco-Molina, Wilton Romero-Black


La The user-customer database of social networks as marketing strategies

william patricio sanchez johnson, Andrés Pacheco-Molina, Jhonny Alban-Alcivar


Engagement of emotional advertising in times of pandemic. Movistar Ecuador case

Kevin Sebastian Andrade Zotamba, Ariana Peralta-Guanuche, Ana Moscoso-Parra


Las ICT’s as a tool for electronic commerce in the MIPYMES of the Cantón Machala

Jennifer Gianella Carrión-Carrión, Selena Muñoz-Jimbo, Wilton Romero-Black, Norman Mora-Sanchez


Implementation of security and biosecurity measures in commercial companies in Machala canton

Priscilla Aguilar, Ingeborth Luzardo-Lambert, Wilton Romero-Black, Iddar Jaya-Pineda


Analysis of unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on different economic sectors in Ecuador

María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento , Edwin Guillermo Valencia-González , Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña


El Impact of the production and marketing of cacao semi-processed – Province of El Oro

Milena Naguas Parra, Maria Cabrera-Marquéz, José Ollague-Valarezo, Wilton Romero-Black


Brand equity of pharmaceutical company in Machala city: case farmacias MIA

Adriana Orellana Jaramillo, Karla Ganchozo-García, William Aguilar-Gálvez


Business service evaluation: An approach to the CMMi - Service system

David Oswaldo Córdova-Albán, Martha Liliana Albán-Bautista, Milton Marcelo Cárdenas-Cárdenas


Financial analysis: a key tool for management decision making

Cristhian Arnaldo Marcillo-Cedeño, Clara Liseth Aguilar-Guijarro , Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo


Covid-19: Ecomonic impacto on ecuadorian shrimp sector exports in the period 2019-2020.

Michelle Gisella Alvarez-Cañares, Karina Vanessa Vera-Jiménez, Carlos Omar Soto-Gonzalez


COVID-19 and its financial impact on the Ecuadorian flower sector. Comparative análisis

Nestor David Morocho-Aguirre, Mileysha Belen Cisneros-Aliaga, Carlos Omar Soto-Gonzalez


Covid-19's financial impact on Ecuadorian tourism: Business strategies for reactivation

Fanny Elena Becerra-Astudillo, Joselyn Mishelle Vega-Ruiz, Milca Naara Orellana-Ulloa


Accounting Treatment of Biological Asset: Production Plant, Amendment to IAS 41

Kelly Stephanny Carrión-Rodríguez, Marjorie Cecibel Caiminagua-Iñaguazo, Carlos Omar Soto-González


Tax evasion and its incidence on VAT. Case of commercial SMEs of the Machala Canton

Juliana del Cisne Coello-Ochoa, William Bismark Miranda-Isbes, Milca Naara Orellana-Ulloa
