How is the management of assets and liabilities of enterprises in times of postcovid-19?

Ronald Zambrano-Sánchez, Clarkent Rubén Mackay-Castro , Rubén Alberto Mackay-Véliz


Impact of the negotiations between Ecuador and the US with a view to a Trade Agreement

Tamara Johanna Ugarte-Almeida , Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera, Marco Andrés Paladines-Aguirre


Social responsibility as a quality factor of commercial SMEs in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Guillermo Roberto Abad-Alvarado, Daniel Antonio Mata-López, Marco Antonio Suriaga-Sánchez


Social media and new product development: An approach to SME planning during COVID-19

Fanny Yoconda Garzón-Murillo, Regina Alexandra Villacís-Pazmiño, Mayra Fernanda Sánchez-Acosta


E-commerce on social media: an analysis of the commercial performance of Tungurahua's micro-enterprises

Johanna Stephanie Catuta-Chucaralao, Silvia Elizabeth Tenelema-Moposita, Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


The potato and its consumption after the pandemic in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador

Daniel Alejandro Lombeida-Burbano, Cristian Oswaldo Guerra-Flores , Jorge Antonio Vasco-Vasco, Paula Carolina Endara-Garces


The Harmonized System and the importance of its elements in the classification of goods

Yanela Marina Aguilar-Loayza, Maryury Lizeth Mendoza-Córdova, Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero


Organizational management and business competitiveness in microenterprises in Tungurahua in post pandemic

Darwin Rolando Caisaguano-Pujos, Jennifer Marilyn Sandoval-Sánchez, Julio Mauricio Vizuete-Muñoz


Covid-19: Analysis of the labor crisis in the different productive sectors of the Ecuador.

Joselyn Mayté Quezada-Vergara , Edinson Alexander Valencia-Vasquez, Iddar Iván Jaya-Pineda


Indicators of financial efficiency to measure credit risk in COACs in Ecuador

Halder Yandry Loor-Zambrano, Gladys María Saltos-Briones, Nilba Priscila Feijó-Cuenca, Adrián Arturo Antón-Castro


Import guide for the footwear sector of Huaquillas through ZEDEs, 2022

Josselyn Tatiana Rueda-Jumbo , Milady Carolina Torres-Torres, Rocío de Lourdes Guzmán-Arias


Accounting functions and decision making: a vision from the professional accountant in training

Astrid Valeria Correa-Aguilar, Julissa Cristina Taday-Jiménez, Ronald Eugenio Ramón-Guanuche


Efficient work organization and planning through project management

Manuel Antonio Larrochelli Muñiz, Génesis Kristel Salazar Garcés, Marcos Fernando Toro Espinoza, Fernando Xavier Carrillo Pérez


Electronic commerce advantages and disadvantages

Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Cortez, Jorge Tobias Tingo-Herrera, Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas, Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar


Management of the restrictions present during the administration of projects

Marcos Fernando Toro-Espinoza, Pamela Roxana Lopez-Pincay, René Faruk Garzozi-Pincay, Fabián Eduardo Arizaga-Vera


Job performance: a study of absenteeism of health personnel in Tungurahua

Camila Elizabeth Terán-Guzmán, Julio Mauricio Vizuete-Muñoz


Analysis of techniques and strategies for optimizing the painting activity on masonry walls

Cristian Manuel Contreras-Coronel, Jaime Ramiro Quezada-Ortega , Paulo Cesar Garate-Rodríguez


Importance of the financial structure for the strengthening of smes in the Province of Manabi

José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña, Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa , María Raquel Moreno-Ponce


Inventory control and valuation methods used in electrical appliance companies in the Machala canton

Sandra Thayde Ortega-Blacio, Zulima Andrea Lopez-Monge, Rosana de Jesús Eras-Agila


Determinants of economic growth in Ecuador

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado-Barrera, Sidia Elizabeth Vera-Gutiérrez , Erika Sonia Quiñonez-Alvarado


Analysis of the public debt in the finances of the Ecuadorian State, period 2008-2021

Víctor JuliPizarro-Vargaso Pizarro-Vargas , José Luis Romero-Villagrán , María Isabel Aguayo-Delgado, Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera


Matrix of age of past due portfolio and its contribution in the audit procedure of commercial credits pending collection originated in operations of the line of business

Javier Arturo Raza-Caicedo , Enrique Antonio Valencia-Herrera, Blanca Del Rocío Lucio-Suárez, María Fernanda Alejandro-Lindao
