Influence of green practices and the mediating nature of green image perception

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Génesis Grissel Correa-Ordeñana
Marco Vinicio Jaramillo-Cuenca
María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas
Irene Patricia Sánchez-González


How important are green practices for retail customers today? Are they enough to be able to generate decisive ecological images in the minds of individuals, and in turn generate changes in attitudes towards hypermarkets? The main objective of this work is to analyze whether the perceived ecological practices influence the idealization of a green image in the mind of the customer and in turn modify the attitudes towards the hypermarkets considered in this study. All this through the analysis of the relationships between the constructs: perceived ecological practices, perception of green image and attitudes towards hypermarkets, based on the application of an exploratory and confirmatory methodology with a sample of 384 clients from the two main hypermarkets positioned in the equator. The results confirmed the acceptance of the hypotheses put forward in the study, demonstrating that perceptions of green practices generate positive attitudes towards the hypermarket. In addition, the perception of the green image acts as a mediating variable in this relationship. Based on this work, further research can be conducted in other provinces, where the retail sector is a dynamic sector of the Ecuadorian economy, to study consumer behavior, not only in the local context, and which can serve as a basis for green marketing and sustainable development projects at the national level.


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How to Cite
Correa-Ordeñana, G., Jaramillo-Cuenca, M., Villavicencio-Rodas, M., & Sánchez-González, I. (2021). Influence of green practices and the mediating nature of green image perception. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 234-250.
Author Biographies

Génesis Grissel Correa-Ordeñana, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Genesis Correa, student graduated from the Technical University of Machala in the career of Marketing Engineering. I have participated in congresses, seminars related to my career; I have also carried out research at an academic level, which allowed me to be part of a scientific article in the area of consumer behavior.

Marco Vinicio Jaramillo-Cuenca, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Marco Jaramillo, I graduated from the Technical University of Machala with a degree in Marketing. I consider myself a person dedicated to scientific research focused on consumer behavior and its derivatives.

I have conducted academic market research, projects, cases and a scientific article on consumer buying behavior of dairy products.

María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Research professor at the Universidad Técnica de Machala, Engineer in Marketing and Negotiation, Master in Business Management, PhD Candidate in Marketing at the University of Valencia Spain, Marketing Consultant, Qualified Trainer (SECAP). Six years of university Teaching, experience in Marketing, Marketing Management, International Marketing, Product Development, Leadership and Negotiation. Teacher Member of the COMARK Research Group. Place of residence Machala Ecuador.

Irene Patricia Sánchez-González, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Teacher - researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Marketing Engineer, Master in Business Administration with a mention in Human Resources and Marketing, Diploma in Marketing and Diploma in Social Networks. Candidate for a PhD in Marketing. Marketing and Market Research Consultant. Marketing Director of service companies. Experience in higher level teaching since 2014 in Marketing, International Marketing, Community Marketing, Marketing Management, He has published books and scientific articles. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador


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