Competences of Higher Education in Ecuador

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Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández
Elsa de los Ángeles Hernández-Chérrez
Segundo Víctor Hernández-Del Salto
Maria Jose Mayorga-Ases


The study on competences in Higher Education in Ecuador highlights both significant progress and challenges in skills formation. Generic skills, such as critical thinking, effective communication and teamwork, are widely valued, but their development varies between institutions. Some universities have adopted innovative methodologies, such as project-based learning, while others still use traditional methods, affecting educational equity and quality. In terms of specific skills, technical and technological universities are better aligned with the needs of the labour market, integrating professional practices and emerging technologies. In contrast, traditional universities, especially in social sciences and humanities, face challenges in updating their curricula and offering practical experiences, highlighting the need for reforms to better prepare graduates for the labour market. Teaching and assessment methodologies also present challenges. Although active methodologies such as problem-based learning are effective, their implementation is not uniform, and many institutions continue to use traditional methods that limit the practical application of knowledge. Assessments focused on theoretical knowledge do not adequately capture practical and transversal skills. Education policies have established important guidelines, but their implementation faces problems such as lack of resources and administrative rigidity. The gap between theory and practice, the rapid technological evolution and the need for collaboration with the productive sector require continuous attention to improve higher education in Ecuador. 


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How to Cite
Velastegui-Hernández , R., Hernández-Chérrez , E. ., Hernández-Del Salto , S. ., & Mayorga-Ases , M. . (2024). Competences of Higher Education in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 118-129.
Author Biographies

Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Industrial Engineer in Automation Processes, Master in Operations Management, student of the Doctorate Program in Engineering and Industrial Production. He currently carries out teaching and research activities, in addition to providing consulting services to public and private companies. 

Elsa de los Ángeles Hernández-Chérrez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Bachelor in Applied linguistics. Major in English. Master’s in teaching and curriculum for higher education.  

PHD (Program in initial and ongoing formation of professionals of the education and educational innovation).  

She currently performs management activities in the field of research, innovation and social engagement. 

Segundo Víctor Hernández-Del Salto , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato, I have participated in different research projects for which I have around fifteen scientific articles in scopus and five regional articles in catalog 2.0 magazines, speaker at scientific conferences international and with a career of thirty-five years in the professional field. 

Maria Jose Mayorga-Ases , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Bibliography Maria Jose Mayorga Ases is an Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Master in Accounting and Auditing, Master in Business Administration. He currently carries out teaching activities, in addition to providing consulting services to private companies. 


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