593 Digital Publisher CEIT, is a multidisciplinary scientific research journal. Since in 2016 and the periodicity is bimonthly.

Vol. 9 No. 4 (2024): Multidisciplinary

Published: 2024-07-04

Virtuality and presence in vulnerable sectors case Bilingual Intercultural Educational Unit Chone

Marlon Gabriel Bastidas-Rivera , Santiago Gonzalo Segovia-Cruz, John Fernando Granados-Romero , Ramón Guzmán-Hernández


Emotion detection in speeches using machine learning

Mercedes Jamileth Miranda-Leon , Ramón Alfredo Toala-Dueñas


Effective strategies for learning the English language in high school

Jorge Alfonso Apunte-Pupiales , Erika Alexandra Atis-Chapi


Evidence in labor proceedings: The duty to prove and reversal of evidence

José Augusto García-Díaz , Martha Paulina Latorre-Shuguli


ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool in the Project Based Learning methology

Maria Beatriz Cajo-Torres , Sonia Alexandra Ochoa-Icaza, María Gabriela Marín-Figuera , Xavier Oswaldo Yánez-Cando


Factors influencing customer loyalty in SMEs in the city of Machala

Nallely Aileen Quezada-Romero , Tatiana Ximena Sánchez-Quezada , William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez


Development of collaborative learning for students with special educational needs: The case of the Canva tool

Edison Fabian Mena-Muñoz , Heidi Alexandra Porras-Villacis , Rudy García-Cobas , María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo


Relationship, Information and Communication Technologies (TRIC) in teaching practice Social impact

Fausto Vinicio Quintanilla-Andrade, Julia Orlenda Robinson-Aguirre , María Alejandrina Nivela-Cornejo


Participation of the Value Added Tax in the tax collection of Ecuador

Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera , Fernando Rodolfo Orellana-Intriago, Vladimir Alexander Guerrero-Cortez, José Luis Andrade-Vilela


Real costs in the food sector: a systematic approach to the applied methodologies

Nallely Fernanda Tapia-Guato, Freddy Rolando Pilaguano-Patango, Ketty del Rocío Hurtado-García , Carmen Isabel Ulloa-Méndez


Evaluation of credit risk and its impact on the cost of capital of COAC Sierra Centro Cía. Ltda

Andres Wilfrido Pilay-Majao, Janeth Maricela Chasipanta-Baraja , Rodrigo Arturo Reyes-Armas, Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano


Enigmas of the political environment in the financial management of the cooperative sector of segment 1 based on the CAMEL method

Gardenia Lizbeth Sánchez-Ortega, Angela Mercedes Sigcha-Santacruz , Rodrigo Arturo Reyes-Armas, Brenda Elizabeth Oña-Sinchiguano


Educaplay as a formative assessment resource for mathematics learning in higher basic education

Daysi Paola Garcia-Iza , Walter Robel García-García , Edgar Stalyn Guerrero-Haro , Xavier Oswaldo Yánez-Cando


Digital environments and didactic resources: Case study

Mónica Isabel Paredes-Castro , Nelly Cecibel López-Vera


Content validity through expert judgment to evaluate municipal tourism intelligence

Octavio Iván Mendoza-Loyo , Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes , Griselda López-Pérez , Jaime García-Zavaleta


Geology in society and territories

Juan Alfredo Chiriboga-Pinos , Numa Inain Gaibor-Velasco , David Alexander Monteros-Pazmiño


Workers' social benefits in the event of non-compliance by the employer

Lucía Margarita Miranda-Rivadeneira , Esthela Paulina Silva-Barrera


es de aprendizaje en estudiantes de educación superior Learning difficulties in higher education students

María Fernanda Morales-Gómez de la Torre , Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Maria Jose Mayorga-Ases  , María Belén Morales-Jaramillo


Analysis of perceptions and preferences of food and beverage consumers in coffee shops in Ambato city

Rebeca Andrea Zambrano-Real , Edisson Andrés Frias-Pérez , Renato Renee López-Flores


Inclusive methodology for the development of motor coordination in the Physical Education class of students with language needs

Edwin Patricio Morocho-Simbaña, Katalina Abigail Villacorte-Guevara , Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Inclusive martial arts program on laterality in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Jose Antonio Cansing-Yepez , Javier Enrique Castro-Bravo, Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


Incidence of foreign trade taxes on the finances of Ecuador during the period 2019-2023

Miguel Ángel Granja-Chiriboga, Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas, Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar, Felix Cristobal Hablich-Sanchez


Marketing strategies for the positioning of digital ventures

Gina Patricia Tello-Rivera , Tito Eliecer Feijó-Cuenca


Evaluation of Digital Competencies of Teachers in a Higher Technological Institution in the State of Veracruz

Nayeli Chiunti-González , Martha Patricia Quintero-Fuentes , Matilde Sampayo-Cárcamo , Nadia Carolina García-Aguilar


Violation of the right to job stability of workers, a vision of Ecuadorian legislation

Máximo Ortega-Galarza, Hólguer Rodrigo Altamirano-Pérez, Moisés Nikolay Trujillo-Avilés, Pablo Patricio Naranjo-Rodas


Public policies focusing on violence against women within the parishes that comprise CON-AGOPARE- Tungurahua

Anita Dalila Espín-Miniguano , Viviana Fidencia Naranjo-Ruiz , Carlos Federico Iglesias-Constante


The interdisciplinary methodology and its impact on the choice of professional technical careers

Byron Fabian Aguinsaca-Hurtado , Felipe Darío Vivanco-Logroño , Amarilis Isabel Campoverde-Moscol


Social networks and their influence on consumer habits, case: Universidad Técnica de Machala

Ana Cristina Palacios-Cabrera, Kevin Enrique Zhiminaicela-Cabrera , Vladimir Alexander Ávila-Rivas


Advantages and disadvantages of digital repositories in Higher Education institutions

Joel Alejandro Barba-Salazar, Katherine Monserrate Mendoza-Lino, Yomira Elizabeth Paz-Zamora, Rómulo Alejandro Barba-López


Global dynamic capabilities in local markets, a perspective from neuromarketing

Karla Domenica Iturralde-Silva , Bryan Steven Ajila-Campoverde , Raquel Miroslava Tinoco-Egas


Use of the flipped classroom as a pedagogical tool in learning innovation

Viviana Zeneida Chavarría-Giler , Gisella Eugenia Silva-Pihuave , Juan Eduardo Anzules-Ballesteros , Gregory Edison Naranjo-Vaca


Continuous Pedagogical Model in Virtual Education: Students' Experiences in Learning English

Claudio Federico Malo-Toledo, Jaime Roberto Pizarro-Velastegui, Luis Humberto Bermudes-Rugel, Maritza Elizabeth García-Arana


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