Influence of service quality on the loyalty and brand image of the main textile fashion chains

Main Article Content

Joyce Jomaira Shagui-González
Miriam Yamileth Ruiz-Calva
María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas


In the face of constant evolution, today's textile stores must be more prepared for excessive competition and customer demands when purchasing this type of product. Now, more than ever, service quality has taken on an important role since it is necessary to meet customer requirements and ensure that all the organization's activities contribute to satisfying their needs. The objective of this article is to investigate the influence of service quality on customer loyalty and the mediating character of brand image on this relationship in the main Ecuadorian textile fashion chains, through a relational analysis of the constructs mentioned. The methodology used is quantitative with a sample of 384 textile store customers. The results allow the acceptance of the hypotheses proposed, demonstrating empirically that the quality of service has a positive influence on the loyalty and brand image of textile fashion stores. In addition, from this work, new research can be directed to study consumer behavior and serve as a foundation for companies in the sector to apply marketing strategies and provide a better quality of service to achieve customer loyalty. 


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How to Cite
Shagui-González , J., Ruiz-Calva, M., & Villavicencio-Rodas, M. (2022). Influence of service quality on the loyalty and brand image of the main textile fashion chains . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 159-173.
Author Biographies

Joyce Jomaira Shagui-González , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am a person committed to my studies, proactive, punctual, organized, I have great ability to work in a team, collaborative and perfectionist spirit, I was previously part of a working group in which an article on "The White Brands" was made. I am currently in the last semester of the marketing career at the Technical University of Machala

Miriam Yamileth Ruiz-Calva, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I consider myself a responsible and creative person who seeks to achieve all his goals and with the ability to be part of a work team in which he permanently seeks to achieve the values ​​sustained in corporate social responsibility. 

María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

villavicencio.jpg 0000-0002-4881-8341 

Research professor at the Universidad 

Técnica de Machala, Engineer in 

Marketing and Negotiation, Master in 

Business Management, PhD Candidate 


Marketing at the University of Valencia 

Spain, Marketing Consultant, Qualified 

Trainer (SECAP). Six years of university 

Teaching, experience in Marketing, 

Marketing Management, International 

Marketing, Product Development, 

Leadership and Negotiation. Teacher 

Member of the COMARK Research 

Group. Place of residence Machala 



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