Teaching mathematics for engineering in higher education

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Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández
Leticia Abigail Mayorga-Ases
Liliana Lizbeth López-López
Humberto Ramiro Morales-Zuñiga


This study examines the effectiveness of different mathematics teaching methodologies in engineering education, focusing on student academic performance and motivation. Three approaches were compared: traditional teaching, problem-based learning (PBL), and the use of technology in the classroom. A mixed-methods approach was employed, collecting quantitative data through exams and structured surveys, and qualitative data through semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. Quantitative results showed that the PBL group experienced a 23% improvement in academic performance, the largest increase among the groups, suggesting that the problem-based approach enhances understanding and application of mathematics in real-world engineering contexts. Students in the PBL group also reported higher levels of motivation and satisfaction compared to those in the traditional teaching group, who experienced a greater disconnect between mathematical theory and its applicability. Qualitative results corroborated these findings, highlighting that traditional teaching resulted in lower levels of participation and engagement, while PBL fostered more active and collaborative learning.


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How to Cite
Velastegui-Hernández , R., Mayorga-Ases, L. ., López-López , L. ., & Morales-Zuñiga , H. . (2025). Teaching mathematics for engineering in higher education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1-2), 216-230. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2025.1-2.3059
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Rommel Santiago Velastegui-Hernández , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Industrial Engineer in Automation Processes, Master in Operations Management, student of the Doctorate Program in Engineering and Industrial Production. He currently carries out teaching and research activities, in addition to providing consulting services to public and private companies. 

Leticia Abigail Mayorga-Ases , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Mechanical Engineer, Master in Metallic Structures. Currently engaged in teaching and research activities, in addition to providing consulting services in structural calculation, mechanical design and manufacturing. 

Liliana Lizbeth López-López , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Civil Engineer graduated from the Technical University of Ambato in 2018, Master in Civil Engineering with mention in Metallic Structures in 2022, Construction Resident at DICONCRETCIVIL CIA. LTDA. from 2018 - 2019, Construction Superintendent at Edificaciones M&F Construcpangua Cia. Ltda. from 2019 to 2020, General Manager at Edificaciones M&F Construcpangua Cia. Ltda. from 2021 to 2022, Teaching Technician at UTA from 2023, and also remains as an independent consultant-calculator. 

Humberto Ramiro Morales-Zuñiga , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Civil Engineer, Master in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education, Master in Civil Engineering mention in Metallic Structures, Industrial Mechanic. Author of 3 scientific articles, co-author of 1 scientific article. At present I work as a consultant, design and structural calculation, and in the free practice of civil engineering. PhD student in Project Management. 


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