Application of the Principle of Proportionality in the Imposition of Precautionary Measures in the Coercive Procedure established in the Administrative Organic Code
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The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the application of the principle of proportionality in the imposition of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure regulated by the Administrative Organic Code (COA) in Ecuador. A qualitative research methodology will be used, using the theoretical methods including the systemic, inductive and deductive, exegetical and historical; within the techniques for data collection, the documentary compilation of legal and doctrinal sources will be carried out. Although the COA establishes the principle of proportionality as the central axis for the imposition of precautionary measures, in practice, the discretion of the administrative authorities can lead to disproportionate decisions that violate the rights of the debtor, the limitations imposed by the lack of prior notification and judicial intervention as guarantees of due process will also be addressed, this study seeks to provide recommendations that allow improving the effectiveness of the coercive procedure, ensuring an adequate balance between the protection of the public interest and the rights of the managed, in accordance with the principle of proportionality and the standards of administrative law.
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