The constitutionality of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure in Ecuador

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Ana María Yánez-Alcívar
Gabriela Paola Rivera-Vivar
Holger Geovannny García-Segarra
Samuel Morales-Castro


This research focuses on reviewing the issue of the constitutionality of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure. For its development, the general objective has been formulated to analyze the application and constitutionality of said measures and the referred process within the public administration. A doctrinal review is carried out about the aforementioned figures as well as the legal regulation of this matter. Likewise, emphasis is placed on the constitutional support that these measures have, based on the fundamental rights that must be protected in their application such as the right to dignity, to life, to social security. Likewise, the safeguard that the constitutional norm provides to people who belong to priority care groups, especially older adults and people with disabilities, is studied. Also, a study of cases resolved by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador is developed that illustrate, in practice, the inadequate use of these measures by public institutions to collect debts. This research is carried out by applying a qualitative approach. Furthermore, it is descriptive in nature and methods such as legal exegesis, case studies, synthetic analysis, etc. are applied. It is concluded that the precautionary measures applicable within the aforementioned process are constitutional, which requires their application according to the particularities of each case and with respect for the fundamental rights of those administered to guarantee that there is due coherence between their implementation and the constitutional text.


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How to Cite
Yánez-Alcívar , A. ., Rivera-Vivar , G. ., García-Segarra , H. ., & Morales-Castro , S. . (2025). The constitutionality of precautionary measures within the coercive procedure in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 956-972.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Ana María Yánez-Alcívar , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

In the year 2015 to 2016, I served as an Account Executive at JCB Asesor de Seguros, later I had some functions in the GAD of the Metropolitan District of Quito as a legal analyst, analyst of the leadership of coactivas, human resources analyst, analyst of coactivas and administrative assistant, I am currently a Coactiva Lawyer at RECYCOB S.A,  


Academically, I’m a student of the master's degree in Procedural Law from the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, a Lawyer from the Central University of Ecuador in 2021 and I completed a Diploma in Constitutional Justice and Women in Abya Yala, at the Universidad Libre de Bogotá. 

Gabriela Paola Rivera-Vivar , Abogada en libre ejercicio - Ecuador


My name is Gabriela Paola Rivera Vivar, I am Ecuadorian, I am a lawyer, I have worked in the public and private sectors, I am currently in free practice, and I carry out executive trials, which is why the topic caught my attention. The constitution of precautionary measures in the coercive execution procedure, since the Magna Carta, regulates rules so that rights are not violated.  

Holger Geovannny García-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of Ecuador given by the University of Guayaquil (2010) 

MSP Legal Advisor 

Legal Advisor Sub-Secretary of Lands 

Guayas MT Labor Inspector 

Public defender 

Master in Procedural Law – ECOTEC University (2020) 

Sponsorship Lawyer University of Guayaquil 

Guest lecturer at ECOTEC University 

Master's Coordinator UBE-Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador from 2023 

Samuel Morales-Castro , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduate in History and Law, Specialist in Civil Law and Doctor in Legal Sciences (PhD) from the University of Havana. Lawyer from the University of Otavalo in Ecuador. Degree in Law, Master in International Trade Law, Master in the Practice of Law and expert in Trial Litigation Techniques, from the International University of La Rioja. Master in Maritime Law, from the Abat Oliba CEU University. Doctor in Legal and Political Sciences (PhD), from the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. Accredited researcher and blind peer of national and international magazines. 


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