Playful strategies for the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in physical education in rural contexts

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Jose Manuel Anilema-Rea
Blanca Eugenia Ramirez-Cuvi
Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila
Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo


The main objective of this study was to design a series of play strategies adapted for the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities (ID) in Physical Education classes in rural environments. The sample studied consisted of 6 students belonging to the Sublevel of General Basic Secondary Education, including a student diagnosed with moderate ID, grade 3, aged 12 years old. A mixed research approach was applied, of pre-experimental design type, by explanatory-applicative scope, field and longitudinal cut in the qualitative line and a focus group design in the qualitative line of the study. The technique applied to obtain data in the initial and final diagnostic stage in the quantitative line was observation and as an instrument an observation form to determine the level of inclusion in the Physical Education class, as well as a focus group for the development of the qualitative line.  The proposal “Playful strategies for the inclusion of students with ID in Physical Education in rural contexts” was designed and focused on the implementation of adapted and accessible activities for all students, with special attention to those with ID with a duration of 5 weeks and 10 sessions of 55 minutes each. The quantitative and qualitative results together underlined the success of the intervention in significantly improving inclusion in the Physical Education class in a rural context.


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How to Cite
Anilema-Rea , J. ., Ramirez-Cuvi , B. ., Loaiza-Dávila , L. ., & Maqueira-Caraballo , G. . (2024). Playful strategies for the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in physical education in rural contexts. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 683-698.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Jose Manuel Anilema-Rea , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with a specialisation in Inclusive Physical Education.

Blanca Eugenia Ramirez-Cuvi , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Degree in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, postgraduate training in Physical Culture Pedagogy with a specialisation in Inclusive Physical Education.

Lenin Esteban Loaiza-Dávila , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Dr. PhD. D. in Physical Education Sciences, Research Professor at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, author and co-author of scientific articles and director of research projects in Education and Sport.

Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira-Caraballo , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

PHD. In scientific and didactic innovations in school Physical Education, Coordinator of the Master in Pedagogy of Physical Culture, Mention in Inclusive Physical Education.


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