Writing a Scientific Article

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David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo
Adriana Marisol Quevedo-Espinoza
Eduardo Neil Brito-Pardo
Ana Mercedes Sagñay-Carrillo


In this scientific article, the integral process of writing a scientific article is discussed, starting with the selection and delimitation of a relevant topic, and continuing with the performance of a thorough literature review. The importance of choosing an appropriate methodology and describing it in detail is emphasized, as well as the effective analysis of data and the presentation of clear and concise results. Guidelines are provided on structure, tone and writing style, and guidance is given on the review and publication process, including preparation of the manuscript. The article concludes with a summary of key strategies for writing a successful scientific article, highlighting the importance of clear and accurate scientific communication for the advancement of knowledge. Authors are encouraged to continually improve their scientific writing skills and to keep abreast of evolving trends and standards in scientific publishing. This comprehensive approach not only provides clear guidance for successful writing, but also underscores the importance of each stage of the scientific writing process.


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How to Cite
Zaldumbide-Peralvo, D., Quevedo-Espinoza, A. ., Brito-Pardo, E. ., & Sagñay-Carrillo, A. . (2024). Writing a Scientific Article. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 366-377. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2290
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Research Professor at PUCE accredited by SENESCYT REG-INV-18-02846 PhD Candidate in Economics UCAB, Specialty in Circular Economy Wageningen University & Research, MASTER OF ECONOMICS Majoring in Environmental Management James Cook University, Marketing Engineer ESPE, Speaker and organizer of national and international scientific events. 

Adriana Marisol Quevedo-Espinoza, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Master in Marketing from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, originally from the city of Machala. She has a third level degree in Business Administration Engineering from the International University of Ecuador. Content creator, image consultant and entrepreneur. Experience of more than 7 years in the Banking and Insurance sector.

Eduardo Neil Brito-Pardo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Business Engineer, Master in Management of Educational and Social Projects, Coordinator of Quality Assurance PUCEM, teacher-researcher with experience in social and productive projects. 

Ana Mercedes Sagñay-Carrillo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Marketing Engineer specialized in strategic marketing at UTEG. She has conducted research on consumer behavior and has participated in research conferences. 


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