Analysis of the quality of products and their impact on market positioning: "Del Mejor" company case

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Carlos Josue Rodriguez-Moreira
David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo


In the development of the present research, a mixed approach has been adopted to comprehensively address the following problem: How does the quality of a product significantly impact the positioning of the Del Mejor company in the market? In this context, the company has implemented rigorous measures, from the acquisition of raw materials to supply chain control, with the aim of promoting healthy and satisfying options in its banana snacks. The collection of results was carried out through a survey using a questionnaire directed at the company's customers in the city of Portoviejo. The information obtained from the 126 participants provides a variety of data related to the specific variables studied in this research. The results reveal that taste is the most influential factor in the decision to purchase banana snacks, standing out with a notable 63.3%. Likewise, price plays a significant role, reaching 20%. These data underline the importance of understanding consumer preferences. Effective customer satisfaction management is emphasized as a crucial element to ensure the quality of services. In essence, quality emerges as a central component that directly influences the perception of the brand and its strategic position in the market. This study provides a deep insight into how the quality of products impacts not only purchasing decisions but also the construction of the company's image in a competitive market. 


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How to Cite
Rodriguez-Moreira , C. ., & Zaldumbide-Peralvo, D. (2024). Analysis of the quality of products and their impact on market positioning: "Del Mejor" company case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 144-153.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Josue Rodriguez-Moreira , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Carlos Josue Rodriguez Moreira was born in Ecuador, in the city of Portoviejo. He holds a third-level degree in Accounting and Auditing Engineering graduated from the Technical University of Manabí. He is a speaker and organizer of National and International scientific events. 

David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Research Professor at PUCE accredited by SENESCYT REG-INV-18-02846 PhD Candidate in Economics UCAB, Specialty in Circular Economy Wageningen University & Research, MASTER OF ECONOMICS Majoring in Environmental Management James Cook University, Marketing Engineer ESPE, Speaker and organizer of national and international scientific events. 


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