Study of the Factors that Influence the Perception of Brand Value in Fast Food Consumers in the City of Machala: CASE MCDONALD'S

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Carlos Luis Vega-Anchico
Dayana Daniela Romero-Robles
William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez


This research studies the perception of brand value of fast-food consumers in the city of Machala, specifically in the case of McDonald’s, focused on the economically active population between the ages of 20 and 39 years old. The analysis will allow identifying those factors that influence the perception of brand value. The methodology used is quantitative correlational, to a sample of 200 people in the city of Machala, for which the PLS-SEM model was used in order to test the structural model proposed. Among the most outstanding findings, a significant positive relationship was found between the variables studied and brand equity, highlighting that a positive experience with the brand generates satisfaction, repurchase and consumer loyalty. These results offer an accurate view of the current situation in the fast-food sector in this specific segment. 


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How to Cite
Vega-Anchico , C. ., Romero-Robles , D. ., & Aguilar-Galvez , W. (2024). Study of the Factors that Influence the Perception of Brand Value in Fast Food Consumers in the City of Machala: CASE MCDONALD’S . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 9(1), 664-674.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Carlos Luis Vega-Anchico , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Finishing 8th semester of the marketing career of the Faculty of Business Sciences at the Technical University of Machala. I did a pre-professional internship in the travel agency Monica Tours. I passed 6 levels of English at the Continuing Education Center. 

Dayana Daniela Romero-Robles , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Finishing 8th semester of the marketing career of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala. I did pre-professional internships in the marketing career. I passed 6 levels of English at the Continuing Education Center. 

William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Degree in Graphic Design (Espoch), Master in Design and Brand Management (Espol), Master in Marketing and Communication (Uide). 

He has 12 years of experience as a professional in: Marketing, Design and Advertising. 


Author of 2 books: 

  1. "Conceptos introductorios sobre branding"  


  1. "Communication and Corporate Image"  


Published articles: 

  • "Marca Grafica Chakiñan: proposal from the co-creative system or collaborative system". 
  • Brand value of a pharmaceutical company in the city of Machala: Mía pharmacies case. 
  • Analysis of the impact of oppositional advertising in a functional food product. 
  • Auditory Marketing and its Influence in the Purchase of the Consumer of Supermarkets in the City of Machala. 


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