Factors influencing Smart TV purchase intent in the city of Machala

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David Andrés Sánchez-Pacheco
William Stalin Aguilar-Gálvez


In this study, we investigate the factors that influence the purchase intention of Smart TVs in the city of Machala. Using a quantitative approach, four main variables were analyzed: functional value, emotional value, social value, and purchase intention. These variables were selected to understand how practical product characteristics, associated emotions, and social influences impact consumers' purchase decisions. A structured survey with the Likert scale was used for 226 people in the city of Machala, with the help of the PLS-SEM structural equation model. The results revealed that functional value, which relates to the ability of the Smart TV to meet users' practical needs, has a significant influence on purchase intent. In addition, it was found that emotional value, which is based on the positive or negative emotions associated with the product, and social value, which refers to social interactions and group influences, also have significant effects on Smart TV purchase intent.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Pacheco , D. ., & Aguilar-Gálvez , W. (2024). Factors influencing Smart TV purchase intent in the city of Machala. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 942-953. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2422
Artículos de revisión
Author Biographies

David Andrés Sánchez-Pacheco , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Marketing student at the Technical University of Machala. 

William Stalin Aguilar-Gálvez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Degree in Graphic Design (Espoch), Master in Design and Brand Management (Espol), Master in Marketing and Communication (Uide).

He has 12 years of experience as a professional in: Marketing, Design and Advertising.


Author of 2 books:

  1. "Conceptos introductorios sobre branding" http://repositorio.utmachala.edu.ec/handle/48000/6708


  1. "Communication and Corporate Image" http://repositorio.utmachala.edu.ec/bitstream/48000/12502/1/Comunicacion-e-eImagenCorporativa.pdf


Published articles:

  • "Marca Grafica Chakiñan: proposal from the co-creative system or collaborative system".
  • Brand value of a pharmaceutical company in the city of Machala: Mía pharmacies case.
  • Analysis of the impact of oppositional advertising in a functional food product.

Auditory Marketing and its Influence in the Purchase of the Consumer of Supermarkets in the City of Machala.


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