A mirada hacia la educación inclusiva de calidad mediante el uso adecuado de herramientas tecnológicas en la institución Simón Bolívar.

Main Article Content

Natali Roxana Riofrio-Villamar
Jeniffer Andrea Farro-Acosta
Yeimer Prieto-López


This article arises from the need to adjust inclusive education through the use of theoretical or technological strategies during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, this was a challenge for managers, teachers, students and parents because they did not count with the necessary knowledge about the use of ICT.

The main objective of our article was to provide a Theoretical Strategy aimed at teachers for the use of technological tools that allow them to carry out an inclusive quality education at the Simón Bolívar institution.

Technology plays an important role in the teaching and learning process, allowing students to acquire knowledge in a personalized way according to their special needs.

The use of the methodology resides in the bibliographic review of scientific publications related to inclusive education issues based on the theoretical systematization according to the problem studied, using the qualitative and quantitative approaches, with the qualitative approach we collect the information and with the quantitative approach. The analysis of the results obtained in the data collection techniques was carried out, thus facilitating the necessary statistics.

To conclude, a training process will be implemented so that teachers are prepared in the use of the technological tools of the 21st century and thus achieve an interactive education through the different virtual platforms that allow meaningful, inclusive and quality learning.


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How to Cite
Riofrio-Villamar, N., Farro-Acosta, J., & Prieto-López, Y. . (2022). A mirada hacia la educación inclusiva de calidad mediante el uso adecuado de herramientas tecnológicas en la institución Simón Bolívar. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(1-1), 288-302. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.1-1.1032
Author Biographies

Natali Roxana Riofrio-Villamar , Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Teacher of the Educational Unit 28 de Mayo of the technical high school level, professional figure Marketing and Sales, with the aim of promoting in students skills, abilities, aptitudes to be autonomous and productive. 

Winner of the QSM7 contest with definitive appointment in the Teaching. 

Jeniffer Andrea Farro-Acosta, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


I am a Systems Engineer and I work as a Teacher at the 28 de Mayo Educational Unit by the Education Teachers in Urdaneta Canton, Los Ríos Province at the Baccalaureate and Higher Basic level, our objective as teachers is to promote in the students knowledge, skills and aptitudes so that they can develop successfully in society.

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Torremar - Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES) - Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and in the Master of Educational Management. Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twenty publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than one hundred hours of training in Education and Pedagogy in 2020 and 2021.


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