Impact of entrepreneurial training on early stage students

Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi, Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras, Evadil Antonio Ayala-Riquelme


Individual factors and recognition of opportunities in entrepreneurs of Villa El Salvador 2020

Elizabeth Emperatriz García-Salirrosas, Nathaly Vanessa Centeno-Ulluchuco, Milagros Isabel Mendoza-Iberico


El Visual merchandising as a strategic element during the point of sale

María José Altamirano-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Castro-Analuiza


Analysis of empathic effects on the effective performance of the commercial sector seller

José Joel Toaza-Caisaguano, Edwin Gonzalo Yugcha-Aysabucha, Manuel Roberto Soria-Carillo


Organizational climate and job satisfaction in the employees of the Municipal Company Ambato Fire Department - Public Company

Geovanna Vaneza Fabara-Nuñez, Carolina del Pilar Jaramillo-Jimbo, Rosa Gabriela Falcón-Maldonado


Descriptive study of the dairy sector in the province of Tungurahua

Giomara Carolina Guangasi-Quinfia, William Fabián Teneda-Llerena


Content Marketing as a Strategy to Increase Sales in Times of COVID-19

Jennifer Tatiana Chango-Guamanquispe, Edwin Alberto Lara-Flores


Management System in Organizational Performance in the Cotopaxi Public Mobility Company

Eugenia Mercedes Chasillacta-Amores, Sandy Macarena Gancino-Vergara, Daysi Lucía Viteri-Arias


Personnel Selection Methods: Management Analysis of Ecuadorian companies

Sonnia Alexandra Heredia-Gálvez, María Fernanda Becerra-Sarmiento, Viviana Elizabeth Cajas-Cajas, Renato Esteban Revelo-Oña
