Longitudinal and descriptive study on the 2021 vaccination plan against COVID-19 in Guayaquil. Causes and consequences.

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Valeria Estefanía Benavides-Consuegra
Dana Aylis Gilces-Romero
Dylan Mateo Cruz-Ponce
Yeimer Prieto-López


In the world, several people from the various countries have projected opposition to cooperating in the Vaccination Plan, the same one that can be caused by side effects generating fear on citizens, because of the preference for certain types of vaccines or even some other factor in particular, and the citizens of Guayaquil are clearly no exception. The importance of this research issue lies in knowing why or what are the causative agents that have prompted citizens to reject the initiative to eradicate the virus, which has spread so precipitously as it has created new variants. The objective of this project is to analyze the longitudinal and descriptive tests that influenced the collaboration of the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan, issued at the beginning of 2021, determining the percentage of the population that has not yet been vaccinated and the opposing reasons behind their decision. Also, to know the opinion of the vaccinated people as to those inhabitants of the city of Guayaquil who did not know how to adhere to the aforementioned system. In order to establish the respective conclusions and to know the different opinions or beliefs of the guayaquileños, a survey was carried out to a total of one hundred three people in which students of the “Universidad Tecnológica Ecotec” and friends of the researchers are found, in such a way that the necessary data can be collected within the empirical methods, which will not only enable us to obtain the information that is planned, but also to corroborate it. Similarly, a survey of expert judgment was conducted to understand, in a broader area, the problems that this issue encompasses. The results achieved varied in some respects. 


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How to Cite
Benavides-Consuegra, V., Gilces-Romero, D., Cruz-Ponce, D. ., & Prieto-López, Y. . (2021). Longitudinal and descriptive study on the 2021 vaccination plan against COVID-19 in Guayaquil. Causes and consequences . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 620-634. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.6-1.932
Educación ECOTEC
Author Biographies

Valeria Estefanía Benavides-Consuegra, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Student in progress of the Industrial Engineering career of the Faculty of Engineering of the ECOTEC Technological University in Guayaquil-Ecuador. Graduated from the Liceo Cristiano de Guayaquil Educational Unit in the XXIX class. 


I have also carried out research inside and outside my area of influence, which has helped me to have more experience in terms of my profession and factors that influence it at the national level. 

Dana Aylis Gilces-Romero, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Student of the Criminalistics career of the Faculty of Law and Governance of the ECOTEC Technological University.

Dylan Mateo Cruz-Ponce, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Student of criminalistics career, faculty of law and governance, at the Ecotec Technological University. Graduated from the “Sebastian de Benalcazar” Municipal Educational Unit.

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa bilingüe Torremar-Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES)-Universidad Tecnologica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and in the Master of Educational Management. Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twenty publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than one hundred hours of training in Education and Pedagogy in 2020 and 2021.


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