Theoretical foundations of Educational Communication about the methodological conception in Ecotec Higher Education

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Yeimer Prieto-López
Beatriz Annabell Loor-Ávila


The main aim of the research presented is to outline an optimal way that enhances the value of educational communication at the Ecotec technological university. Multiple are the antecedents approached in the previous category in the students. The authors intend to offer a way of solving the problem expressed as inadequacies in the process of educational communication in the sociocultural context. A methodological conception is proposed as the main contribution of the research, which focuses attention on a set of structural and formal elements of its own. Thus allowing the understanding of the dynamics of this process, from its stimulation. The researchers emphasize their contributions in the constitutive areas for educational communication, which find a methodological conception and offer a diversified result depending on their environment and the object of study. Different methods were used, such as: historical-logical, which made it possible to obtain the antecedents, the stages of educational communication. We highlight the use of expert criteria for the validation of the methodological conception and the theoretical aspects that comprise it. Among the most significant results, the theoretical revelation was obtained, which indicated that the content of the communication is not exclusive to any field, but that it passes through each one of them, favoring the appropriation and operation with these contents in order to stimulate educational communication. 


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How to Cite
Prieto-López, Y. ., & Loor-Ávila, B. (2021). Theoretical foundations of Educational Communication about the methodological conception in Ecotec Higher Education . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 563-579.
Educación ECOTEC
Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa bilingüe Torremar-Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES)-Universidad Tecnologica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and in the Master of Educational Management. Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twenty publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than one hundred hours of training in Education and Pedagogy in 2020 and 2021.

Beatriz Annabell Loor-Ávila, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor in Social Communication Sciences. Degree in Languages ​​and Linguistics and Master in Higher Education. Professor at the Ecotec University in the Faculty of Marketing and Communication. Teacher in the Master of Educational Management of the UEES. Leader of the Communication and Journalism collective He has participated in several national and international events. He has publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scopus. Education and communication thesis tutor Ecotec and Unemi. 


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