Digital marketing factors that strengthen business culture located in Tungurahua province

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Tania Magaly Sánchez-Lascano
Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


This article aims to analyze the Digital Marketing Factors that strengthen the business culture located in the province of Tungurahua. It is important that the business culture be focused on the implementation of digital media in order to increase their participation in this current market. In this way applications of new technological trends will allow for the innovation the traditional way of advertising as well as promote an eagerness to use digital marketing as an indispensable tool. The research is aimed at entrepreneurs in order to identify the importance of carrying out their online sales, as well as their degree of positive interaction with their future customers. This study focused on a bibliographic and documentary methodology that allows for the description of the most relevant data on the object of study. Furthermore, with the application of a questionnaire that will allow for the obtaining of the primary data, which once collected was processed and then interpreted using the supporting tools for the results. With this information it was determined that marketing techniques are needed in digital media in order to optimize the resources of the organization and the way in which the target audience is reached such as through social networks, blogs and websites. These actions lead to positive changes in a certain period of time by successfully reaching customers as well as influencing the organization to meet its goals set in this demanding market. Thus, providing the key to success by the way of a positive experience. Finally, It is recommend that organizations invest in digital marketing. It is essential that an active profile is obtained in the channels most used by their target audience so as to create the opportunity for the quality content produced to go viral and to have a more direct and humanized communication between the company and their loyal customers. It is not worth leaving the customer waiting for a response for a long time since there are ways correct this issue efficiently.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, T., & Ballesteros, L. (2020). Digital marketing factors that strengthen business culture located in Tungurahua province. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(6), 13-25.
Author Biographies

Tania Magaly Sánchez-Lascano, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


inally, I can be proud of my contribution in these difficult times thanks to the collaboration of the entrepreneurs of The province of Tungurahua,  will allow future research and I recommend that each venture achieved greater participation in this current market with the help of implementing effective strategies in digital marketing on social networks, whose profits are essentially to reflect significantly increasing their sales levels.

Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Strategic Business Management M.B.A. from the Technical University of Ambato, Commercial Engineer and Bachelor of Administrative Sciences Administrator in Marketing from the Technical University of Ambato. Consultant and Business Advisor, General Manager of the Company Comprehensive Training in Organizational Resources (CIRORESOURCES); He has been teaching since 2001, at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences; The lines of research that he addresses in his work are: Marketing, Advertising and Promotion; Political Marketing, Skills and Management Competencies.



This article is part of the previous results of the institutional research project: “INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR OF THE PROVINCE OF TUNGURAHUA, presented at the Directorate of Research and Development DIDE, of the Technical University of Ambato and approved according to resolution of the University Council: 2386-CU-P-2017, of November 15, 2017; project coordinated by Ing. MBA. Leonardo Ballesteros López


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