The impact of brand image on the purchase intention of coffee shops in the city of Machala

Main Article Content

Gabriela Anahi Capa-Torres
Jean Carlos Saldarriaga-Quiñonez
William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez


The article explores how brand image influences consumers' purchase intention towards cafes in Machala, an Ecuadorian city with a constantly growing and competitive market. Through the PLS-SEM statistical model, five key variables are examined: brand image, trust, perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention. The results reveal significant relationships between these variables, highlighting that perceived quality and trust directly influence purchase intention. Likewise, it is identified that a strong brand image contributes to greater customer satisfaction, which in turn positively impacts the purchase intention. This study highlights the importance of designing effective strategies aimed at improving the perception of quality, strengthening brand trust, and fostering consumer loyalty. Finally, it is concluded that these actions can translate into greater customer loyalty and the long-term sustainability of the business. 


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How to Cite
Capa-Torres , G. ., Saldarriaga-Quiñonez , J., & Aguilar-Galvez , W. (2025). The impact of brand image on the purchase intention of coffee shops in the city of Machala . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 502-513.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Gabriela Anahi Capa-Torres , Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am Gabriela Capa, a 21-year-old university student with a background in Marketing. As part of my academic development, I have worked on the design and implementation of marketing strategies focused on the analysis of consumer behavior. Throughout my career, I have participated in projects focused on branding strategies, strengthening the connection with the brand and exploring various sectors in the city of Machala. 

Jean Carlos Saldarriaga-Quiñonez , Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am Jean Saldarriaga Quiñonez, 27 years old, with an academic background in graphic design, digital animation, marketing, and business administration. I have developed skills in design and animation, working on personal and collaborative projects. While I consider myself semi-amateur, I enjoy learning and exploring new tools to create visually appealing content. My academic experience in marketing and business administration complements my creative approach with effective strategies to engage diverse audiences. 

William Stalin Aguilar-Galvez , Universidad Tecnica de Machala - Ecuador

Graduate in Graphic Design (Espoch) Master in Design and Branding (Espol) 12 years of professional experience: Marketing, Design and Branding. Author of 2 books: “Conceptos introductorios sobre branding” e/48000/6708 “Comunicación e Imagen Corporativa” eam/48000/12502/1/Comunicacion-eeIm agenCorporativa.pdf Articles published: “Marca Grafica Chakiñan: propuesta desde el sistema co-creativo o sistema colaborativo” Valor de marca de empresa farmacéutica en la ciudad de Machala: caso farmacias Mía. Análisis del impacto de la publicidad oposicional en un producto alimenticio funcional. Marketing Auditivo y su Influencia en la Compra del Consumidor de Supermercados de la Ciudad de Machala


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