Desafíos y oportunidades del principio de inmediación en el marco de audiencias telemáticas en el derecho procesal

Main Article Content

Karla Katherine Zambrano-Duran
Santiago Paul Tapia-Loja
Samuel Morales-Castro
Holger Geovannny García-Segarra


The article addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by the principle of immediacy in the context of telematic hearings within procedural law. Immediacy, which implies the direct presence of the parties and the judge in the process, is put to the test by digitalization and the use of virtual platforms. 

Among the main challenges, the possible reduction in the quality of communication between the parties stands out, since the lack of physical contact can make it difficult to perceive emotional nuances and the dynamics of the debate. In addition, there are concerns about fairness, as not all parties have equal access to the technology needed to effectively participate in virtual hearings. 

It also identifies opportunities that arise with the implementation of telematic hearings. Digitalization can facilitate wider access to justice, especially for those in remote regions. It is also pointed out that telematic hearings can optimize the resources of the judicial system, allowing greater efficiency in the scheduling and development of trials. The article states that, although the principle of immediacy faces significant challenges in the virtual environment, it also offers possibilities to transform access to and administration of justice, provided that adequate measures are implemented to safeguard the rights of the parties. 


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Duran , K. ., Tapia-Loja , S. ., Morales-Castro , S. ., & García-Segarra , H. . (2025). Desafíos y oportunidades del principio de inmediación en el marco de audiencias telemáticas en el derecho procesal . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(2), 389-404.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Karla Katherine Zambrano-Duran , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Attorney in private practice, graduated from Universidad Particular San Gregorio de Portoviejo. With professional experience in legal advisory in civil, commercial, and labor law, providing tailored legal solutions. I have participated in projects focused on promoting mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method. 

Santiago Paul Tapia-Loja , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

I am an attorney and expert with extensive experience in traffic law, police administration, and road accident analysis. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of advising the National Traffic Directorate on matters related to traffic and road safety. My professional focus is on technical analysis and the implementation of legal strategies to enhance mobility and ensure justice in cases involving traffic accidents. 

Samuel Morales-Castro , UNIR - Ecuador

Graduate in History and Law, Specialist in Civil and Family Property Law, Doctor in Legal Sciences, PhD, from the University of Havana. Degree in Law, Expert in trial litigation techniques, Master in International Trade Law, Master in Law Practice, from the International University of La Rioja in Spain. Master in Maritime Law, from the Abat Oliba University in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Lawyer from the University of Otavalo in Ecuador. Doctor in Legal and Political Sciences, PhD, from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, Spain. Undergraduate, postgraduate professor and researcher at the International University of La Rioja. 

Holger Geovannny García-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the courts and tribunals of Ecuador given by the University of Guayaquil (2010) 

MSP Legal Advisor 

Legal Advisor Sub-Secretary of Lands 

Guayas MT Labor Inspector 

Public defender 

Master in Procedural Law – ECOTEC University (2020) 

Sponsorship Lawyer University of Guayaquil 

Guest lecturer at ECOTEC University 

Master's Coordinator UBE-Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador from 2023 


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