The term for the reply of approval and the right to defense

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Edison Geovanny Fonseca-Montesdeoca
Holger Geovanny Garcia-Segarra


The research examines the two-day term established by Ministerial Agreement No. MDT- 2021-219 and Article 621 of the Labor Code to respond to a request for approval in the Ecuadorian labor context. This short term has raised concerns about its compatibility with the right to defense, enshrined in the Constitution of Ecuador and the American Convention on Human Rights. The study employs a qualitative methodology, analyzing relevant regulations, doctrines, and jurisprudence. It highlights the principle of legal reservation, which requires certain matters to be regulated by law to guarantee legal security. However, it questions whether the regulatory specification of the two-day term violates this principle. The right to defense is crucial in labor relations due to the subordination of the worker to the employer. The research concludes that the two-day term may be insufficient to prepare an adequate defense, affecting procedural guarantees. It mentions that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has emphasized the need for reasonable terms in procedures that affect labor rights. It is recommended to review the regulation to ensure that defense rights are respected, maintaining a balance between procedural speed and protection of labor rights, in accordance with constitutional principles and international standards. 


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How to Cite
Fonseca-Montesdeoca, E., & Garcia-Segarra, H. (2025). The term for the reply of approval and the right to defense . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 10(1), 678-693.
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Author Biographies

Edison Geovanny Fonseca-Montesdeoca, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professional in free exercise. Graduated from the Private Technical University of Loja 2018, mediator trained at the Pacto de Paz mediation center, with six years of experience in the civil field. Currently studying a master's degree in procedural law at the Bolivarian University of Ecuador.

Holger Geovanny Garcia-Segarra, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Graduated as a Lawyer in 2010, Legal Advisor in Public institutions, Labor Inspector, Public Defender, Graduated with a Master's degree in procedural law in 2020, University Professor since 2021, Academic coordinator of a Master's degree in Procedural Law currently.


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