The influence of social media marketing on Ecuadorian centenials

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Andreina Jamileth Coronel-Quezada
Lorenzo Bonisoli


The objective of this study is to examine the influence of social media marketing on Ecuadorian Centennials, focusing on the role of influencers. Using a quantitative approach, we analyze how emotional attachment, brand evangelism and influencers' reputation affect the consumption decisions of this generation. A questionnaire was administered to 66 participants, assessing key variables such as purchase intention and perceived influence. The results, analyzed using SEM-PLS, show that emotional connection and reputation significantly influence consumer behavior, providing companies with effective strategies to connect with this audience. This work contributes to the understanding of the behavior of Centennials in the Ecuadorian context.


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How to Cite
Coronel-Quezada, A. ., & Bonisoli, L. . (2024). The influence of social media marketing on Ecuadorian centenials. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 343-355.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Andreina Jamileth Coronel-Quezada, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am currently in my eighth semester of Marketing at the Technical University of Machala. Throughout my education I have acquired key knowledge in areas such as market research, consumer behavior, and development of marketing plans.

I have been part of academic projects and professional internships that have allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations, developing skills in data analysis, creativity and teamwork.

Lorenzo Bonisoli, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Full professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2013, PhD in Philosophy (Università Cattolica di Milano - Italy) in 2002, Master of Business Administration (Cranfield University - UK) in 2011 and PhD in Economics (University of Almeria - Spain) in 2020. Research areas: Sustainability, Microeconomics, Sustainable Agriculture and Development, Strategic Marketing, Sustainable Marketing.


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