Green influence: The role of influencers in promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle

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Leiver Josue Belduma-Tituana
Lorenzo Bonisoli


The influence of "green influencers" in promoting green lifestyles is a new phenomenon, especially important among centenarians in Ecuador. This article presents an empirical study with a quantitative approach and an exploratory objective of understanding the relationship between environmental influencers and environmental perceptions. Through structured surveys and statistical analysis, objective and measurable data were collected on the environmental awareness and behavior of the target population. Preliminary results indicate that environmental influencers have a significant impact on the adoption of sustainable practices and environmental awareness. The popularity and credibility of these influencers helps raise awareness of environmental issues, promoting positive behavioral changes in their followers. This research provides a better understanding of how digital platforms influence the environmental decisions of new generations. The study highlights the importance of influencers as agents of change in promoting sustainable lifestyles, highlighting the need to develop more effective communication strategies that leverage their influence to foster greater environmental awareness and action.


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How to Cite
Belduma-Tituana , L. ., & Bonisoli, L. (2024). Green influence: The role of influencers in promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(6), 438-450.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Leiver Josue Belduma-Tituana , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student about to graduate from the Technical University of Machala, in the marketing career of the Faculty of Business Sciences. With knowledge and skills to analyze markets and develop marketing strategies.

Lorenzo Bonisoli, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Full professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2013, Doctor in Philosophy (Università Cattolica di Milano - Italy) in 2002, Master of Business Administration (Cranfield University – UK) in 2011 and Doctorate in Economic Sciences (University of Almería – Spain) in 2020. Research areas: Sustainability, Microeconomics, Sustainable Agriculture and Development, Strategic Marketing, Sustainable Marketing.


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