Analysis for the implementation of an organizational management system for degree processes at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa´chila, in the period 2023
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The objective of this research is to analyze the quality in the management of the documentation of the degree processes that is currently being developed at the Tsáchilas Technological Institute.
This project aims to evaluate the quality of the Document Management System in the degree processes of the Tsa'chila Technological Institute, considering the deficiencies perceived by students, such as: high volume of unprocessed documents, logistical problems of storage and review, errors in the preparation of documentation by the student.
From the application of qualitative research, which includes survey, interview and observation techniques, it is expected to be able to identify the factors that influence the perception of the quality of the service offered in the students who develop these administrative processes.
The results show the advantages of using a Document Management System (DMS) for the administration of documents associated with the students' degree processes, concluding that the DMS can contribute to simplifying the management and distribution of information; increasing efficiency in administration, distribution of information and reducing non-conformities at operational levels generated by the inappropriate use of information.
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