Analysis of reading level in elementary secondary school students

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Evelin Alexandra Cofre-Acurio
Edlita Ivonne Espinoza-Alvarez
José Luis Cosquillo-Chida
Edwin Gustavo Moyón-Coronel


The present study deals with the analysis of the level of third reading of basic education. Reading development is crucial to understand your cognitive and linguistic development, identify potential difficulties, and establish appropriate intervention strategies, as it also focuses on assessing students’ ability to decode text, understand content, and read fluently. Reading is an essential skill that directly influences general academic performance and cognitive development, so we used the Prolec-R test and the methodology used to analyze the level of reading in third-grade students of Basic Education, evaluating different reading subprocesses such as reading comprehension, reading accuracy and reading fluency and the most relevant results allow us to identify students with reading difficulties and design specific pedagogical interventions to improve their performance. Identifying the educational needs of students and designing personalized intervention strategies also help educators adjust their teaching methods to meet improving the needs of their students for the purpose of reading level analysis in the third grade of Basic Education is vital to promote effective literacy and ensure long-term academic success.


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How to Cite
Cofre-Acurio , E. ., Espinoza-Alvarez , E. ., Cosquillo-Chida , J. ., & Moyón-Coronel , E. . (2024). Analysis of reading level in elementary secondary school students . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(4-1), 31-41.
Author Biographies

Evelin Alexandra Cofre-Acurio , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Evelin Alexandra Cofre Acurio, I am 25 years old, I live in the county of Latacunga, Ecuador. I study in the Fae Educational Unit No. 5 with the degree of Science, I am studying at the Technical University of Ambato in the career of Psychopedagogy, I also study in Consulting Group and I have the Certificate of Auxiliar of Nursing. 

Edlita Ivonne Espinoza-Alvarez , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is Edlita Ivonne Espinoza Alvarez, I am 51 years old, I live in the city of Ambato, Ecuador. I studied at the Hispano América Educational Unit with the title of Accounting and Administration, I studied at the Technical University of Ambato in the degree of Physical Culture and Sports Training and my master's degree I studied at the Technical University of Ambato my title is Master in Physical Culture and Training Sports 

José Luis Cosquillo-Chida , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

My name is José Luis Cosquillo Chida, I teach the subjects of: Information and Communication Technology, Research, National Reality, Professional Ethics, Project Design, among others. Third level degree in System Engineering, fourth level degrees: master's degree in Teaching and Curriculum for Higher Education, University Master's Degree in Educational Technology and Digital Skills. More than 8 years of experience as a teacher, having practiced the profession within the guidelines of ethics and professionalism in the different Higher Education educational institutions in which he teaches. 

Edwin Gustavo Moyón-Coronel , Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Edwin Gustavo Moyón Coronel, educational professional with a solid background in Educational Sciences, specialized in Language and Literature. With 10 years of teaching experience, he has obtained multiple postgraduate degrees, including Master's degrees in Language and Literature Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, Educational Evaluation and Innovation in Written Language Teaching. His innovative and practical approach has enriched his teaching, especially in the development of strategies for language comprehension and writing. 


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