Stimulation of communication skills and their impact on the formation of an appropriate Work Environment

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Yeimer Prieto-López
Beatriz Annabell Loor-Avila
Belén Madeleine Macías-Aguayo
Nelly Alejandra Sarabia-Espín
Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano


The objective of this article is to analyze the theoretical foundations that support the stimulation of communicative skills and their incidence in the formation of an adequate work environment. In addition, its main research question is to answer the question of how to stimulate communication skills in the formation of an adequate work environment. For this reason, the importance of communication skills, such as interpersonal skills, and their key role in creating an adequate work environment within companies is described. It is essential to maintain an optimal work environment where employees feel comfortable, which ensures the fulfillment of their work activities and in turn the objectives of the company.


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How to Cite
Prieto-López , Y., Loor-Avila , B. ., Macías-Aguayo , B. ., Sarabia-Espín , N. ., & Burgos-Zambrano , D. . (2024). Stimulation of communication skills and their impact on the formation of an appropriate Work Environment. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 830-844.
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Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López , Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador  

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Professor at the Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES), Faculty of Humanities teaching the Subject of Research Methodology. Professor of the Master's Degree in Educational Management and Education at UEES, where he works as a professor of the Research Methodology Subject, as well as a professor of the Degree Module. Teacher and Academic Coordinator at the Bilingual Educational Unit Liceo Los Delfines del Villas el Rey. Faculty of Communication, Humanities and Creativity and ECOTEC University-Professor of the subject Research Methodology. Professor at the UTEG-Master's Degree in Education with a Mention in Pedagogy. He has participated in more than one hundred national and international events and congresses as a speaker, jury and exhibitor. He has more than sixty publications in various indexed journals, such as WOS-Web of Science, Latindex, Dialnet, Scopus, Miar and Redalyc.

Beatriz Annabell Loor-Avila , ECOTEC - Ecuador 

Doctor in Social Communication Sciences, Master in Higher Education, Graduate in Languages ​​and Linguistics, I have worked in Higher Education institutions for more than 20 years, I have given national and international presentations at scientific conferences. Research work tutor. Currently director of research projects. 

Research teacher at Ecotec. 

Belén Madeleine Macías-Aguayo , ECOTEC - Ecuador

Student of the Communication program with a specialization in Public Relations. She is currently in the fifth semester of the program. 

Nelly Alejandra Sarabia-Espín , ECOTEC - Ecuador

Student at Ecotec University with outstanding research results, he has participated in different national and international events.

Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano , ECOTEC - Ecuador

Débora Burgos Zambrano, Master in Pedagogy (Ecuador). Professor at the Faculty of Marketing and Communication of the ECOTEC University, Samborondón, Ecuador. He has published several scientific articles in Indexed Magazines. She is currently an academic coordinator at the Faculty of Communication, Humanities and Creativity. 


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