Legal barriers to the internationalization of Ecuadorian companies: a focus on the free trade agreement with China

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Yeimer Prieto-López
Darlys Daniela Sares-Llivisaca
Ainhoa Ruilova-Saeteros
Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano


The context of this study revolves around the internationalization of Ecuadorian companies. The main research question is how legal barriers to the internationalization of Ecuadorian companies influence the Free Trade Agreement with China. To address this question, the current commercial and legal situation of Ecuadorian companies under the Free Trade Agreement with China is delineated. Legal barriers within international trade between countries were established to maintain order, standardize international commerce, and adhere to parameters for fair competition in the market. In the current situation of globalization and the financial realm, opportunities for economic growth abound, with internationalization being the key to enabling market integration and facilitating an international flow of capital.


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How to Cite
Prieto-López , Y., Sares-Llivisaca, D. ., Ruilova-Saeteros , A. ., & Burgos-Zambrano , D. . (2024). Legal barriers to the internationalization of Ecuadorian companies: a focus on the free trade agreement with China. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 845-853.
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Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López , Liceo Los Delfines / ECOTEC / UEES - Ecuador

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Professor at the Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES), Faculty of Humanities teaching the Subject of Research Methodology. Professor of the Master's Degree in Educational Management and Education at UEES, where he works as a professor of the Research Methodology Subject, as well as a professor of the Degree Module. Teacher and Academic Coordinator at the Bilingual Educational Unit Liceo Los Delfines del Villas el Rey. Faculty of Communication, Humanities and Creativity and ECOTEC University-Professor of the subject Research Methodology. Professor at the UTEG-Master's Degree in Education with a Mention in Pedagogy. He has participated in more than one hundred national and international events and congresses as a speaker, jury and exhibitor. He has more than sixty publications in various indexed journals, such as WOS-Web of Science, Latindex, Dialnet, Scopus, Miar and Redalyc.

Darlys Daniela Sares-Llivisaca, ECOTEC - Ecuador

Student at Ecotec University with outstanding research results, he has participated in different national and international events.

Ainhoa Ruilova-Saeteros , ECOTEC - Ecuador

Student at Ecotec University with outstanding research results, he has participated in different national and international events.

Débora Judith Burgos-Zambrano , ECOTEC - Ecuador

Débora Burgos Zambrano, Master in Pedagogy (Ecuador). Professor at the Faculty of Marketing and Communication of the ECOTEC University, Samborondón, Ecuador. He has published several scientific articles in Indexed Magazines. She is currently an academic coordinator at the Faculty of Communication, Humanities and Creativity.


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