The violation of the constitutional rights of police servants in the administrative summary and its comprehensive and economic repair

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José David Espinoza-Espinoza
Holger Geovanny García-Segarra


The research focuses on identifying violations of the constitutional rights of police officers in administrative summaries. A specific example refers to the case of the police officer, Santiago Morales, and highlights the lack of compliance with due process, legal security, the impartiality of the judge, and the right to defense. A qualitative analysis is conducted using data from normative and doctrinal sources, in addition to the analysis of the process N ° 15241202200016, which witnesses the violation of the right to due process in the guarantee of the right to defense. The main objective is to expose deficiencies in the compliance with constitutional rights in administrative summaries followed against police officers and the application of comprehensive and economic reparation. The research concludes that there are significant violations of the constitutional rights of police officers in administrative summaries. A lack of adequate legal training among those responsible for issuing and motivating resolutions is evident, and the need to establish standards to achieve a just and proportional comprehensive and economic reparation is highlighted. The need for reform and improvement in internal procedures to guarantee adequate protection of the constitutional rights of police officers is underscored.


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How to Cite
Espinoza-Espinoza , J. ., & García-Segarra , H. . (2024). The violation of the constitutional rights of police servants in the administrative summary and its comprehensive and economic repair. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(5), 180-189.
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Author Biographies

José David Espinoza-Espinoza , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Doctor in Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, with seventeen years of experience in the professional practice, both in the public and private fields; as a lawyer in the free professional practice oriented to the constitutional, administrative, civil and family areas, with great performance in oral hearings and in constant training according to the Ecuadorian normative evolution. 

Holger Geovanny García-Segarra , Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Tribunals and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador and Master in Procedural Law, currently Professor of the Bolivarian University of Ecuador, I have worked as a lawyer in the public sector and in the free professional practice, oriented to the branch of criminal procedural law and the defense in conflicts related to the public defender. 


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