Availability of inventories against demand in products from TuTi Stores

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Angelica Fidencia Zambrano-Ponce
David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo


The purpose of this study was to determine what strategic actions will allow the optimization of TuTi Stores' inventory management. This company is a supermarket with a hard discount business model, where it responds to the need for savings that consumers are looking for. 

Within the investigation it is noted that this supermarket reflects a high demand for products, so it is necessary to carry out adequate inventory management by carrying out an analysis of the current situation and proposing measures that guarantee improvements in processes and reduction in costs. Two important variables are considered, product demand as an independent variable and inventory management as a dependent variable. 

The research has a mixed approach, a non-experimental design, of a descriptive type since it is based on research to characterize the topic under study; and exploratory, as there is no data on inventory management. A sample of 341 people was considered, to whom the survey was applied. 

Among the results, it can be seen that the main problem is inadequate inventory management, since 67% indicated that they are faced with excess inventory or shortages on a daily basis, with demand being the primary element to determine optimal stock levels, where 74% were According to this statement, given this, it is necessary to establish strategies to face this problem, which is why 43% mentioned that the most appropriate alternative is to carry out inventory control. An article template and instructions on the editorial process and the text, figure and references format are provided. 


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Ponce, A. ., & Zaldumbide-Peralvo , D. . (2024). Availability of inventories against demand in products from TuTi Stores . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(2), 228-244. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.2.2327
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Author Biographies

Angelica Fidencia Zambrano-Ponce, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador



ANGELICA FIDENCIA ZAMBRANO PONCE was born in Ecuador, in the city of CHONE. 

He has a third level degree in Food Engineering from the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí and a Fourth Level Degree in Business Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. 

David Alejandro Zaldumbide-Peralvo , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Research Professor at PUCE accredited by SENESCYT REG-INV-18-02846 PhD Candidate in Economics UCAB, Specialty in Circular Economy Wageningen University & Research, MASTER OF ECONOMICS Majoring in Environmental Management James Cook University, Marketing Engineer ESPE, Speaker and organizer of national and international scientific events.


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