Content strategy to motivate the purchase of product in the province of Tungurahua

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Andrea Liliana Lizano-Mejía
María Cristina Abril-Freire
Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


The content strategy of Inbound Marketing is a tool that allows the identification of connection points with users, at the same time increasing potential customers and ensuring that customers are the ones looking for products. The objective of the study is to determine if the Inbound Marketing content strategy manages to develop the motivation to purchase products online in the province of Tungurahua. The research presented was not an experimental design. The study was quantified and detailed in an analytical way the criteria of the people. The scope of the research was correlational, because it was related to the factor, the purchase motivation, and the most used means in web pages. In turn, a survey was applied to 384 people that was approved by professionals, in order to make a diagnosis of the situation in the province of Tungurahua regarding the level of knowledge and use of web pages and social networks to reach the customer and attracts traffic. The main results reflect that: the internet and social networks are the new trends in the commercial sector and also a very important fact that they are safe at the time of making the online purchase. This model aims to take advantage of technology, dissemination of content, convert visits into customers, increase confidence in credibility to achieve brand positioning and market competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Lizano, A., Abril, M., & Ballesteros, L. (2020). Content strategy to motivate the purchase of product in the province of Tungurahua. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(2), 108-124.


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