Analyzing Organic Consumption in Ecuador with the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Norm Activation Theory

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Annie Elizabeth Freire-Echeverría
Ariagna Priscila Almache-Espinoza
Lorenzo Bonisoli


The objective of this investigation is to determine the behavior of Ecuadorian consumers regarding the organic products market. For this purpose, a theoretical model has been developed that integrates the theory of planned behavior and the theory of norm activation. For the analysis of results, the SEM-PLS technique has been applied. The results indicate that personal norms have a primary effect in influencing purchase intention, while perceived control and subjective norms, probably due to the effect of personal norms, do not develop significant relationships. Finally, since the explained variance of the endogenous variables is low, future research could broaden the theoretical spectrum by including other aspects related to consumer personality.


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How to Cite
Freire-Echeverría , A. ., Almache-Espinoza , A. ., & Bonisoli, L. (2023). Analyzing Organic Consumption in Ecuador with the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Norm Activation Theory . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 174-188.
Author Biographies

Annie Elizabeth Freire-Echeverría , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student of the Technical University of Machala, in the career of Marketing, studying the last semester; with which this scientific article is presented for the approval of degree.  

By means of the same, granting me the title of Licentiate in Marketing. 

Ariagna Priscila Almache-Espinoza , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student of the Technical University of Machala, in the career of Marketing, studying the last semester; with which this scientific article is presented for the approval of degree.  

By means of the same, granting me the title of Licentiate in Marketing. 

Lorenzo Bonisoli , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Full professor at the Technical University of Machala since 2013, PhD in Philosophy (Università Cattolica di Milano - Italy) in 2002, Master of Business Administration (Cranfield University - UK) in 2011 and PhD in Economics (University of Almeria - Spain) in 2020. Research areas: Sustainable Agriculture and Development, Strategic Marketing, Sustainable Marketing. 


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