Elements of the political marketing campaign strategy in the Province of Tungurahua
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The development of political activity has brought about the birth of a new type of marketing, the so-called political marketing that refers to the set of research, planning and communication techniques that are used in the design and execution of strategic and tactical actions as during an election campaign. OBJECTIVE. Determine the elements of the strategy of the political marketing campaign by emphasizing its different variables (product, price, place and promotion). METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN. The methodology used is given under a qualitative-quantitative approach, supported by bibliographical and field research. The scope of the study is descriptive and correlational, since it is intended to show that the elements of the campaign strategy help to incline the preference of the voters within the electoral process; for this, the statistical model of CHI SQUARE was used to assert the hypothetical criterion. RESULTS 41% of electors designate the product element, as a key axis, because its consistency is based on the offers made in the political campaign, that is, proposal and work plan with which, the political character will perform, to win. CONCLUSION. It was possible to identify the decisive element of the voter before tilting his decision to vote towards a political actor, because the voter prefers young people prepared, who have previous knowledge to function in the place selected.
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