Stimulation of reading habits in the Research Methodology and Thesis students of the Master's Degree in Educational Management of the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES)

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Yeimer Prieto-López
Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño
Sedolfo José Carrasquero-Ferrer


This research results from the researchers' experience for three consecutive years dictating the subject of Research Methodology (RM) in the Master's Degree in Educational Management (MDEM) at Espiritu Santo University (UEES), detecting poor reading habits as one of the main limitations in students. There is a need to deepen the reading component and the scientific and academic production, evidenced by the diagnosis applied in the different classes from 2019 to 2022.
For its development, an extensive bibliography was consulted while considering the gaps in research and teaching related to reading and the need to encourage students to read. Applying different scientific instruments to MDEM students allowed to design methodological strategies to stimulate and develop reading habits in students. The proposal's feasibility was assessed and resulted in thirty students' publications in different indexed scientific journals, which demonstrates the relevance and impact of the research carried out in the university context.


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How to Cite
Prieto-López, Y., Ayala-Pazmiño, M., & Carrasquero-Ferrer, S. (2022). Stimulation of reading habits in the Research Methodology and Thesis students of the Master’s Degree in Educational Management of the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES). 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 317-331.
Author Biographies

Yeimer Prieto-López, Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Torremar, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (UEES), Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Bachelor of Education. Associate Professor. Professor at UEES in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and the Master of Educational Management. Teacher and Academic Auditor at Torremar Bilingual School. He has participated in various national and international events. He has more than twenty publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scielo. Doctoral Thesis Tutor at the Universidad del Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Holguín, Cuba. He has received more than one hundred hours of education and pedagogy training in 2020 and 2021.

Mario Fabricio Ayala-Pazmiño, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (UTEG) - Ecuador


Dr. Ayala has degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration, Education Sciences and received his Ph.D. in Education from the University of Melbourne in Australia, in 2018, with his highest concentration of study in foreign language teaching and learning, pedagogy, educational management, and higher education. He is an educator and has experience as an Academic Coordinator. His previous experience also includes working as head of the Humanities and Community and Service departments. He was a professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, at Universidad de las Americas in Quito, and at Universidad de Guayaquil. Dr. Ayala is a member of the Monash University Hispanic Studies Teachers Association, Australia.

Sedolfo José Carrasquero-Ferrer, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (UTEG) - Ecuador


Chemical engineer. Master and Doctorate degrees in Environmental Engineering. Academic Director of the Undergraduate Faculty and Coordinator of the Environmental and Industrial Engineering Programs at UTEG. Professor and researcher. Undergraduate and graduate professor with more than twelve years of experience. Leader of research projects in educational technologies, biological and physicochemical treatment of industrial wastewater, unit operations in water purification, and improved quality of treated effluents. Author of 44 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals in water purification, wastewater treatment, and environmental sanitation.


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