Content validity by experts in human talent management: Strategies against the pandemic
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The repercussions of COVID-19 on companies go beyond the economic and financial aspects, since human talent is also one of the elements most affected. This article analyzes the way in which the pandemic has affected the management of human talent and investigates the acts carried out by third parties in order to minimize their impact. On the other hand, in the Machala canton the company Distribuidora Ortega with more than twenty-five years dedicated to the commercialization of agricultural and aquaculture inputs in the province of El Oro has presented complications since March 2020 when the confinement measures and other restrictions were decreed, For which the objective was to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the development of business activities where human talent intervenes. The proposal of this research has been an instrument which was initially designed with thirteen strategies focused on improving the management of human talent according to the framework of the pandemic, to which the Lawshe Content Validity Ratio was applied and the adjustment de Tristán, obtaining as final input an instrument with nine strategies that scored a Content Validity Index of 0.819. The group of specialists who evaluated the strategies were eight people with third level degrees or higher and with three or more years of experience managing work groups of more than twelve collaborators.
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