Rupturas epistémicas del siglo XX y los procesos de cambio en educación

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Virginia Gonfiantini


In this document, we approach the epistemic ruptures which started reconfiguring the concept of knowledge and scientific method of the Classical Modernity in the 20th century. We must consider that these ruptures transcend the theoretical and methodological aspect, because they refer to the concept of the cognitive subject itself, that is, we are discussing world views. The critical, historical and educational revision allows us to see how a disciplinary concept of knowledge, science and scientific method takes different dimensions, which is a paradigm of scientific investigation even to this day.
Within this legacy of fragmentary and divided knowledge of the relation cognoscente subject - known object, we find the greatest minds of the 20th century. Einstein, Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Born, Poncairé, Curie, Prigogine and Morin from science, and Freire from education, start a new path when they challenge the classic postulates of knowledge, understanding physical processes without the intervention of the observer. They propose to build, from a different perspective, new scientific knowledge and educational processes for which the inherited disciplinary concept cannot provide answers.
And it is that paradox and crisis of modern knowledge where Edgar Morin starts thinking his complexity theories and outlining his hologramatic, dialogic and recursive principles from which he configures genuine and viable answers to the observed reality, which is not considered from the simplistic classic linearity but from randomness, uncertainty, nonlinearity and nondeterminism.


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How to Cite
Gonfiantini, V. (2018). Rupturas epistémicas del siglo XX y los procesos de cambio en educación. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 3(3), 46-60. Retrieved from


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