Business management in the face of the covid-19 crisis and the future scenario in the Py-MEs of the canton Arenillas, province of El Oro, Ecuador

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Fernando Rodrigo Betancourt-Santos
Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo
Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina
Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza


The entire world faces an unusual situation due to the appearance of covid - 19 that has put not only health but also the economy of humanity at risk. Ecuador is one of the countries hardest hit by the devastating effects of this new virus.

One of the sectors that has remained active since the containment measures to control the contagion figures is agriculture, however, small and medium-sized companies dedicated to the supply of agricultural products also suffer the negative effects of this pandemic, this motivated that for the development of this work consider the study of agricultural SMEs of the canton Arenillas, belonging to the province of El Oro, where agricultural activities are their main source of income.

The main objective of this study was aimed at rethinking business management in the face of the covid-19 crisis and the future scenario in agricultural SMEs in the canton of Arenillas. To fulfill the described purpose, an exploratory research was carried out, using the survey as a data collection tool, which was applied to 19 legal representatives of small and medium-sized agricultural companies of the Arenillas canton, who are registered in the El Oro District Office of the National Agrocality Agency.

Among the most relevant results obtained in this research, the decrease in productivity, the reduction in the number of workers, the freezing of the hiring of new personnel and the lack of money to remunerate the employees who are in activity stand out. Therefore, it was concluded that the rethinking of business management is essential in these times to successfully face the health emergency during its stay and after it, where the impact will continue to be felt.

Key words: business management; pandemic; covid 19; agricultural SMEs; Arenillas; future scenario


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How to Cite
Betancourt, F., Ollague, J., Pacheco, A., & Tapia, N. (2020). Business management in the face of the covid-19 crisis and the future scenario in the Py-MEs of the canton Arenillas, province of El Oro, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 496-514.
Author Biographies

Fernando Rodrigo Betancourt-Santos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Administration Career of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala - Province of El Oro, close to obtaining the title of Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with a mention in Business Administration.

Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Professional and academic description:

Professor at the Technical University of Machala.

Doctor (PhD) in Administrative Sciences, Master in International Business, Diploma in Financial Management, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Higher Diploma in International Economics, Higher Diploma in Ecuadorian and World Economics, Higher Diploma in International Business Management, Diploma in Development Territorial, Diploma of Specialization in Economics, Diploma of Specialization in Public Relations, Commercial Engineer, Graduate in Business Administration. Public accountant.


Work experience:

Continental Bank, Central Bank of Ecuador, National Financial Corporation, H. National Congress of Ecuador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Service as Diplomat in Peru, El Salvador and Belize, San Antonio de Machala University, Metropolitan University in Machala. Technical University of Machala.

Several publications made

Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala

Ex - Manager and ex - Administrator of several companies and institutions such as Ibemayo, AE Consultores, Multinegocios, Chamber of Industries of El Oro, Indura Ecuador, Madeis, Invercomp, Banagrup

Master in business administration and management - University Technological Business of Guayaquil (UTEG), Higher Diploma in University Teaching - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Mechanical Technologist – Littoral Polytechnic School (ESPOL)

Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Experiencia en el área empresarial: en gerencia, ventas; y, en docencia universitaria desde el año 2000;(b) Auditor, Ingeniera Comercial, Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Diploma Superior de Cuarto Nivel en Gerencia Estratégica de Mercadeo entre otros estudios realizados; (c) producción académica en ciencias sociales: economía y negocios(gestión); y, educación.


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