Impact of business process management technology on service to customers of private organizations

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Layanne Tatiana Montalvo-Barrera
Ginger Nicole Farias-Romero
Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina
Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo


Technology today plays a very important role in the way companies manage to achieve competitive advantage in the market, therefore, this research focuses on the impact that Business Process Management technology generates in the attention to clients of private organizations, that is why the objective of the study is to evaluate the influence of Business Process Management technology in improving the processes carried out within the customer service area, To this end, the activities carried out in the customer service department were identified, the bottlenecks present within organizations were detected and the advantages-disadvantages of using BPM within organizations were analyzed. A survey was conducted with 458 managers and / or business managers through an exploratory-descriptive research, where the SPSS-25 tool was used for data analysis, Therefore, it was concluded that of the companies that are aware of the existence of BPM, very few apply it to software, due to ignorance of the advantages that they can achieve both in process automation, time improvement, and efficiency in customer service. Although little by little the mentality of managers is changing, implementing web pages, online shopping, electronic invoicing, among others, there is still a need to turn the business model around and implement new strategies that will lead the company to success, for this reason, it has been considered that for future research a specific analysis should be carried out according to the business line and the type of client each company has.


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How to Cite
Montalvo, L., Farías, G., Pacheco, A., & Ollague, J. (2020). Impact of business process management technology on service to customers of private organizations. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 328-341.
Author Biographies

Layanne Tatiana Montalvo-Barrera, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Administration career; Participant in a research group at the Technical University of Machala "GRP_014" Ecuador-Peru; First place in essay writing competition; Political Leader in favor of university women AFU-UTMACH. English knowledge level B1 Intermediate level. Online store owner @varietyrenovation. Salesperson in the company PIRKA STONE

Ginger Nicole Farias-Romero, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated from the Business Administration career. Participant in research group of the Technical University of Machala “GRP 014” Ecuador-Peru. A research group participant focused on obtaining data from a consumer group through an electroencephalography helmet that measures consumer emotions in the face of marketing stimuli. English knowledge level B1 Intermediate level.

Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala

Ex - Manager and ex - Administrator of several companies and institutions such as Ibemayo, AE Consultores, Multinegocios, Chamber of Industries of El Oro, Indura Ecuador, Madeis, Invercomp, Banagrup

Master in business administration and management - University Technological Business of Guayaquil (UTEG), Higher Diploma in University Teaching - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), Mechanical Technologist – Littoral Polytechnic School (ESPOL)

Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Professional and academic description:

Professor at the Technical University of Machala.

Doctor (PhD) in Administrative Sciences, Master in International Business, Diploma in Financial Management, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Higher Diploma in International Economics, Higher Diploma in Ecuadorian and World Economics, Higher Diploma in International Business Management, Diploma in Development Territorial, Diploma of Specialization in Economics, Diploma of Specialization in Public Relations, Commercial Engineer, Graduate in Business Administration. Public accountant.


Work experience:

Continental Bank, Central Bank of Ecuador, National Financial Corporation, H. National Congress of Ecuador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Service as Diplomat in Peru, El Salvador and Belize, San Antonio de Machala University, Metropolitan University in Machala. Technical University of Machala.

Several publications made


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