Advertising in digital media and its impact on the entrepreneurship of commercial enterprises in Ambato

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Jorge Vinicio Ramos-Ramos
Carlos Vinicio Mejía-Vayas
Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


Ecuador is the country with the largest number of entrepreneurship companies in Latin America, the city of Ambato being one of its greatest exponents through the creation of products and services that represent recreation, tradition and culture. Advertising in digital media has become an essential activity of these businesses to spread and communicate messages and informative and promotional content. The research objective is to define the level and/or degree of impact of commercial digital media advertising of commercial companies. The methodological approach is based on the following guidelines: quantitative approach, descriptive research, survey technique and the population, are the consumers of products and / or services of ambateños entrepreneurship companies. The level of impact of advertising in digital media for this type of business is high and beneficial, due to the great benefits and benefits that these media provide, although it must improve on the truthfulness of information.


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How to Cite
Ramos, J., Mejía, C., & Ballesteros, L. (2020). Advertising in digital media and its impact on the entrepreneurship of commercial enterprises in Ambato. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-1), 288-298.
Author Biographies

Jorge Vinicio Ramos-Ramos, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Link with society

Technical University of Ambato

GAD Quisapincha

Digital advertising campaign for enterprises in the rural area in the parish of Quisapincha.

Fan page creation

Promotion evaluation

Sales evaluation

Customer satisfaction assessment

Acceptance and Implementation of the project.


Practice pre-professionals

Technical University of Ambato

Distribuidor Corponet S.A. Claro Ecuador

Prepare the sales budget

Evaluate sales management

Analysis of sales and their effectiveness

Generate an effective work environment

Develop organizational policies

Plan constant training

Carlos Vinicio Mejía-Vayas, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Administration from the San Francisco University of Quito - Ecuador. Master in Information Technology and Educational Multimedia from the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador. Systems and Computing Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ambato - Ecuador. Business Engineer from the Technical University of Ambato - Ecuador. He is currently Coordinator of the Careers in Business Organization and Business Administration of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. His lines of research focus on Administration, Management and Territorial Development.

Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Master in Strategic Business Management M.B.A. from the Technical University of Ambato, Commercial Engineer and Bachelor of Administrative Sciences Administrator in Marketing from the Technical University of Ambato. Consultant and Business Advisor, General Manager of the Company Comprehensive Training in Organizational Resources (CIRORESOURCES); He has been teaching since 2001, at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences; The lines of research that he addresses in his work are: Marketing, Advertising and Promotion; Political Marketing, Skills and Management Competencies.



This article is part of the previous results of the institutional research project: “INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR OF THE PROVINCE OF TUNGURAHUA, presented at the Directorate of Research and Development DIDE, of the Technical University of Ambato and approved according to resolution of the University Council: 2386-CU-P-2017, of November 15, 2017; project coordinated by Ing. MBA. Leonardo Ballesteros López


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